What excursions worth visiting in Poznan?


When visiting Poznań I recommend to visit, located near the city, Castle in Kournilla and Palace in Rogaline . Both places can be easily reached by bus. First you can visit the torn, and then Roglin is not returning to Poznan.

Castle in Korniku (Zamek W Korniku), It is located approximately 20 kilometers southeast of Poznan.

What excursions worth visiting in Poznan? 4812_1

The castle was built in the 15th century the richest and influential family of Poznań, a hill. In the 19th century, when Dialynski owned by the castle, he was somewhat rebuilt. The castle stores an amazing collection of works of art and military equipment, the original furniture is also preserved. Everywhere beautiful flooded floors and carved wooden portals. The most unusual castle premises - Moorish Hall , created according to the Alhambra Palace in Spanish Granada.

On the territory behind the castle, an arboretum was created, where more than 2500 species of plants are growing and fragrant.

What excursions worth visiting in Poznan? 4812_2

What excursions worth visiting in Poznan? 4812_3

Palace in Rogaline , located 13 kilometers west of the torn.

What excursions worth visiting in Poznan? 4812_4

Open again, after restoration in 2010. Baroque Palace 18th Century, belonging Kazimir Rachinsky , Royal Secretary. The palace is famous for its beautiful park and a small museum. In the museum you can see portraits of the Rachin family and an interesting layout of the London apartment of Edward, who served the diplomat there. To the left of the main building of the palace, you will find the gallery of "Salon Painting", where the works of Polish masters are exhibited: Suspyanskoye Zaffa and Malchevsky. The attraction of a beautiful English park is three huge ancient oak, each of which is about 600 years. According to the Polish legend about the founders of Poland, the Czech Republic and Russia, the huge giants received names three princes - Lech, Czech and Rus.

To visit the castle and the palace, you quite have one day. You will enjoy acquaintance with these attractions that are not far from Poznan.

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