What should be expected from rest in Borjomi?


The saying on Borzhomi and the kidney theme, is probably known to everyone who knows what mineral water is Borjomi, but what is the city resort Borjomi, as well as it is worth it, it is for many mystery for seven seals that I will try to restrict a little .

His story as the resort of Borjomi leads from the beginning of the 19th century, when there are few people who famous General Golovin began to actively promote it among the Russian elite, which in turn gave impetus to the development of the tourism industry. Of course, she is currently not the same as a couple of centuries ago, it was upgraded, improved, and over the past few years, thanks to a large number of investments, Borjomi has become a worthy competitor with European medical resorts, such as Heviz, Karlovy Vary, Vichy and others.

The main attraction of the resort, as everyone understands, is a unique mineral water in its composition, strange to smell and no less strange to taste. Indications for its use, so much that list them here does not make any sense. It is better to advise on this topic with a doctor, because not only the testimony is in its use, but also bans. Water beats from sources, which are located in the central park and pour and drink it can everyone. Around the park with a source focused the bulk of boarding houses, sanatoriums and hotels, many of which were built in the times of the USSR, but the destroyed should not be afraid, because many are renovated and listed to modern standards. In view of the special specialization of the resort, almost everything is here on the treatment and improvement of the physical condition, so I don't think that it makes sense to ride with children if they do not need medical procedures. They will be somewhat bored in this place, even despite the presence of a large number of rides, swimming pools and cinema.

But not only by procedures and mineral water is famous for this resort. In the edge of Samtskhe-Javakheti, in which the resort is located, there are more than 200 historical monuments, which simply impossible not to visit, since they came here. Among the sights are worth noting such as:

- The Cave Monastery Vardzia, who, according to legend, was founded by the great queen Tamara in the 12th century (about 2 hours of way from Borjomi, a slope of a little more than 100 kilometers);

What should be expected from rest in Borjomi? 4809_1

- man-made monastic caves Vanis Kvubaby. Creation relate to the 7th century, the complex includes two churches and multi-level tunnels;

What should be expected from rest in Borjomi? 4809_2

- The Summer Palace of the Romanov Dynasty, built at the very end of the 18th century;

- House of the Iranian Consul Mirza Riza Khan. A unique building architecture, which was first used as a cottage, and the present is a museum and part of the sanatorium;

What should be expected from rest in Borjomi? 4809_3

- carved right in the cliff Church of St. George. The date of commencement of its construction is known exactly, it is 1333 years old. Located near the city in Daba village. The place is particularly revered and loved by almost all tourists, regardless of nationality;

What should be expected from rest in Borjomi? 4809_4

- National Park. Between the cities of Borjomi and Haragauli. This is the biggest national reserve in Europe! For understanding, its territory is more than 7 percent of the total territory of Georgia. Uniquely uniquely combined several ecological and geographical zones on its territory. Whatever it is not difficult to wander, you can rent a horse, and if you don't want to go a lot, then there are places for picnics in the park. You can spend perfectly in the fresh air.

What should be expected from rest in Borjomi? 4809_5

A little about living. It was already mentioned at the resort a lot of sanatoriums and rest houses, but it's extremely difficult to get in non-stop mode. The rooms begin to go out a few months before the alleged visit, and some of the boarding houses can only be accessed towards the doctors. However, it is not necessary to despair, because the private sector will almost always offer options for resettlement, both in small hotels and in separate guest houses on household plots.

The average price range for placement, approximately such. Sanatoriums and boarding houses - 45-100 dollars per day. The price includes medical care, three meals, fitness, billard and other services. In the private sector, prices range in the range of 12-20 dollars, the truth is without meals. But be in Georgia and stay hungry, it's utopia!

In general, a small review of the Borjomi resort can be considered complete. Ride or not, solve you. I tend more to go!

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