Shopping in Veliko Tarnovo. What can I buy? Where? How much?


The most important point for shopping in Veliko Tarnovo is Bazaar SelfDow . In this place there are several dozen shops and workshops, where you can buy ceramic and wooden products, icons, weapons and a lot more. Separately, the local bread and wonderful desserts should be noted.

This bazaar is an oasis of manual release, due to which the country has been known for long centuries. Exceptionally exclusive goods are offered here, two identical things to detect in this market is impossible. If a tourist becomes a crawler here, it will not be the same on the entire planet!

Samovodsk Bazaar:

Shopping in Veliko Tarnovo. What can I buy? Where? How much? 47956_1

Claws with antiques and souvenir products, which are located in the city are conductors to the historic past Veliko-Tarnovo. They can be visited as museums - for a better acquaintance with the life of the state.

In addition, the large-tyrnovo resort is located a large trading center - Central Mall. . Here you will find the present, twenty-first century - with all its shops, cinema, slot machines and other attributes of the modern shopping center. Since the local infrastructure is experiencing a rapid growth, the cost of goods or does not change at all over time, or only slightly rises. Therefore, at this resort, you can afford to purchase a lot of useful and valuable for small money.

Centrall Mall:

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