What is worth viewing in Balchik? The most interesting places.


The Balchik's interest in the resort town is not limited to its beaches and hotels that are really very much. The city has a fairly large story, numbering about three thousand years. Of course, there are little antique times from the ancient times, but the last time was increasingly began to find evidence of the victims of fame and beauty.

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So, for example, six years ago, during construction work and digging, the ancient buildings were accidentally discovered. After analyzing archaeologists, it was found that the find is part of a large complex, the construction of which belongs to the third century BC. During the excavations, which are quite actively being conducted, many items that speake that this complex functioned at least seven centuries, and then as a result of a strong earthquake and landslide was buried under the soil layer. Found buildings are the Kibel temple, which in those days was considered the mother of all the gods. This structure had more than one hundred meters. To date, it is the largest of the found churches of this kind on the entire Balkan Peninsula and the most well preserved. The inner decoration of the temple was rich enough, there were many statues in it, including the archaeologists a figure of Kibel was discovered. Found exhibits are located in the historic Museum of Balchik. Currently, the Kibel temple is the object of the National Towns of Bulgaria, and work is underway to restore it. Perhaps in the near future we will see this unique building in their original glory.

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Once it came about the historical Museum of Balchik, it should be noted that his visit will be very interesting. It was opened in 1937 and throughout this period its exposition was constantly replenished. Although the period of Romanian occupation did not go around the period of which the museum's exposition was evacuated to Romania, and part of the exhibits permanently disappeared. To date, more than twenty thousand exhibits are presented in the exposition, starting with ancient times and up to the middle of the last century. The museum collection is quite rich and will surely cause interest among visitors. Located a museum on Dimitra Zhevava Street, 2. He works daily, except Sunday from 9.00 to 17.00 and break for lunch from 12.00 to 13.00. The cost of the entrance ticket is five les.

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One and visiting cards of this resort, no doubt you can call the Palace of Queen Mary.

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Although it is impossible to call him the palace in the literal sense, since the complex is a dozen small villas and a chapel, which were a summer residence Romanian Queen Maria Edinburgh, granddaughters of the British Queen Victoria, and married, for the heir to the Romanian throne. The queen was a supporter of rapprochement of various religions, and this was reflected in the form of a complex that combined opposite styles. This is also told about the names of various sections of the complex, among which such as the "Bridge of Sighs", "Hanging Terraces", "Garden of Allah" or "Wine Alley". In addition to villas, some of which, by the way, rent tourists, on site there is a beautiful botanical garden, where more than three thousand species of plants brought from various corners of the planet. All plants are planted along numerous alleys, which are decorated with large clay pots used in antiquity for storing various products.

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The special pride of the Botanical Garden is a large collection of cacti, which has about two hundred and fifty species of this plant, and is considered one of the largest in Europe.

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Perhaps there are no tourists who visited Balchik and did not visit the Palace of Queen Mary and the Botanical Garden. In the summer, the complex is open daily from 8.00 am to 20.00 pm. The 3-way working day is slightly shorter from 8.30 to 17.00. Located the palace at ul. Academician Daci Jordan. The entrance ticket is worth twenty lips, and for an excursion in a foreign language thirty levs.

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In the Ethnographic Museum of Balchik, which is located in a two-story building, built more than one hundred and fifty years ago, you can familiarize yourself with the crafts that locals in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The showcases exhibited the items of the Portnovsky case, which were used at the time local tailors. These are irons, scissors and other tools. There are samples of woodworking tools and a blacksmith. On the second floor of the museum presented various devices and machines of weaving production, as well as a large selection of clothing and jewelry, which are exhibited on mannequins. A total of more than two thousand different types of exhibits are represented. In the summer, the museum works daily, except Sunday from 9.00 to 17.00, and in the winter from 7.30 to 16.30, except Saturday and Sunday. The cost of the entrance ticket for adults is five les, children under eighteen years old - one lion. For children up to seven years, entrance is free. Located a museum on Vitosha Street, 3.

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Painting lovers can visit the art gallery, where the Bulgarian and foreign craftsmen are exhibited. The Gallery 3D is a large architectural structure, which is a pearl resort. On the first floor there are temporary exposures that provide other museums for Ferris. On the second floor there is a permanent collection of gallery. The fate of the gallery and the fate of the historical museum was not passed. During the Romanian government, all the pictures were taken out in Romania, and the collection had to be gathering again. Located a museum on Father Street Paisius, 4. Summer work schedule from 9.00 to 17.30, on Sunday and Monday weekend. The 3rd museum is open from 8.30 to 17.00 and weekends on Saturday and Sunday. The cost of an entrance ticket for adult five leftions, children - one lion.

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In addition to the above-mentioned attractions of the Balchik, there are others who deserve attention. The city has Orthodox churches that were built in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. One of these is the Church of Nicholas Wonderworker, where daily services are held.

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The temple is located on Christ Boteva Street, 4 on the territory of the Bulgarian Renaissance complex, which also advise you to visit. It can be found in it with the development of the formation of Bulgaria and training classes of those times when students were subjected to injury to corporal punishment.

In general, resting in Balchik, there is where to go and diversify your vacation by visiting cultural facilities and attractions of the city.

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