Useful information about the holiday in Burma. Tips for experienced tourists.


For a long time, Myanmar, because of the extremely complex political relations with the outside world, remained a very closed country, which in turn led to decay the standard of living, the destruction of infrastructure, including tourist. In fact, the course on the liberalization of life in the country the ruling military elite received only 10 years ago and it was from this time that some moves began in the direction of the development of tourism, but still to the neighboring Vietnam and Thailand are still very far away.

Useful information about the holiday in Burma. Tips for experienced tourists. 47701_1


Even before the trip, there was an idea that in the country which was managed by the military, they will have to stick to some very strict rules, to be checked and inspection, but in fact everything turned out to be completely wrong. The military outside is not visible at all, and life in Myanmar proceeds very calmly and measured. Locals are surprisingly Mila and friendly, and can even give a goal of Cambodians in this, about whom it seemed to me that good-natured people simply do not happen. Do not be surprised that if you stop somewhere to understand where to go further, you will be suitable for you and asked with a smile: - Do you have any problems and can they help you? And this is despite the fact that the population lives very and very poorly.

In addition, he surprised, a huge part of local residents knows English, that's what the English colonization means (Burma ceased to be the colony of Great Britain only in 1948).

Useful information about the holiday in Burma. Tips for experienced tourists. 47701_2


Alas, but even compared to neighboring Cambodia and Vietnam, which is far from a symbol of purity, Myanmar is an even more dirty country. On the streets of trash, the dishes in the cafe are dirty, the roads are terrible, with the everywhere, both on the outskirts of cities and near the major tourist centers, the buildings are practically not repaired, in general, everything is quite and very sad. So if you do not want extra problems, always wipe the cutlery with napkins, in no case do not drink water from under the tap and do not be lazy to wash your hands more often.


In general, not only in Myanmar, but also to other regions of Southeast Asia, it is better to ride from October to May, since it is this period "dry". However, if you arrive in Myanmar at another time of the year, then nothing terrible will happen. The rains are and there are constantly, but they do not give much discomfort. Livni strong, but very fast. As if someone overthrew the bucket with water on top. The only thing that may not like is the gray sky. Yet at sun light, Burmese sights look pretty.

Useful information about the holiday in Burma. Tips for experienced tourists. 47701_3

Money and prices

National currency in Myanmar - Chiaty, but there is no point in buying them in advance (and it is unlikely to sell them in Russia). You need to go with US dollars, with both cash and you can take a card with you. ATMs though not much, but they are. By the way, when removing money in ATMs, a commission of 5 dollars is always taken. So it is not worth shooting with small amounts. It will be very expensive. With cash, everything is much easier. Dollars are accepted everywhere, along with local money. However, there is one very and very important moment. Dollars must be in perfect condition. Even if they were folded in half, they can simply do not take, either take, but at the lower course. What is connected with such "cockroaches" with dollars, in general is incomprehensible. The second nuance is that when exchanging money in the exchange station, the currency rate will be better than the longer amounts. What the difference is visible even when exchanging 50 or 100 dollars. Well, naturally do not change money from the hands. They say (he himself did not encounter than God's glory) that fraud at the same time is very likely.

As for the prices, the prices of Guesthouses and Hotels are very high in Myanmar. About two times in comparison with the neighboring Vietnam. However, it's like to compare with Europe or Russia, then prices will be funny. I personally lived in the capital of Yangon in a 5-star hotel and paid $ 50 per day. The rest of the price is very cheap. Lunch in a decent cafe will be released dollars in 5-7 (salads from $ 2, hot with a side dish from $ 3). Street food is generally sold for some kind of kopecks. True, I have not risen it :)

Useful information about the holiday in Burma. Tips for experienced tourists. 47701_4


Alas, but Russian roaming operators with Myanmar do not provide. Unpopular direction, do not hurt anything. However, the problem is solved fast enough. Directly on arrival at the airport you can buy a SIM card of the local operator. The issue price starts with 15 dollars and higher. But it's not worth calling to Russia from it. Instantly balance the balance. It makes sense to buy for local calls. You can call home from hotels (from 3 dollars per minute). With the Internet in Myanmar, too, trouble. What is in hotels works with the speed of the Dial-AP modem, and then it is not at all. Exit from the situation is offered an Internet cafe, which are enough in large cities. Payment hourly and the more you take hours, the cheaper. There are no single prices. Somewhere it can cost 30 cents, somewhere 50.


Unlike other countries of Asia, in Myanmar, there are practically no mopeds and scooters, but many cars. You can rent, but I did not dare and do not even tell me what and how. It is much easier to hire a taxi whom the great set. True to avoid problems, before sitting in a taxi, agree on price. Check out! Be sure to trample! As a result of a simple bargaining, you can knock off the price twice. If you want extreme, then there are local buses. These are so funny wrecks without glasses and teaching at stops of the conductor. They do not succier, but in the case. Report the route number. Alas, but a very large number of Burmesers can not read or write.

Useful information about the holiday in Burma. Tips for experienced tourists. 47701_5


From the point of view of the physical security of Myanmar, a fairly calm country. Crimes with the use of physical force is made extremely small. However, a petty fraud and a petty stealing are common. Do not carry large amounts of money without need. Leave them in a hotel safe. As for the safety of health, before a trip to Myanmar, I made vaccinations from hepatitis and tetanus. But the most important danger is malaria, from which there are no gras. So be sure to use repels, ointments and creams, and in the evenings it is better to wear shirts with long sleeves.

Amazing features

In Myanmar, 8 days in the week! Seriously! Wednesday they divide for two days (morning and evening) and everything to give the significance of this day, due to the fact that it was on Wednesday a Buddha born.

The inhabitants of Myanmar do not have last names. At all! Only names. And if one name is enough in the villages, then in cities often give two, or even three names.

Here is such a mysterious Myanmar ...

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