What can I buy in Svetlogorsk?


The most "recognizable" gifts, which can only be brought from Svetlogorsk and Kaliningrad, are products from amber. This is that no "Kaliningrad" souvenir.

Opportunities for the choice of gifts are large, from keychains to reproductions of paintings with amber crumb. The so-called "inclises" are most appreciated, i.e. All sorts of inclusions that have sometime in the resin that has hardened and turned into a stone. As an inclusion there may be remnants of plants, insects, small garbage. The most expensive incluse are well-preserved insects.

What can I buy in Svetlogorsk? 4763_1

Purchase souvenir products, you can on urban promenade or in souvenir shops. Shops from the manufacturer of amber - Amber Combine I did not find in Svetlogorsk. On weekends, the number of traders increases. In addition to amber, the refrigerator magnets, badges, postcards depicting the sights of the city, books with the history of the region, T-shirts, and so on as souvenirs.

If you have the opportunity to go on an excursion to the village of Amber (the place of mining amber), it would be better to buy souvenirs there. You will not overpay for shopping cheating, and the risk of buying a fake is still reduced.

What can I buy in Svetlogorsk? 4763_2

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