Features of the rest on Jamaica


Jamaica is not such a big island: 225 km from East to West and 35-82 km from north to south. "The most beautiful of all islands that I have seen in West-India," said Christopher Columbus in his time. The island's economy is now completely dependent on the United States of America and the United Mexican States, almost everything except bananas, cocos, coffee, sugar, roma and marijuana is imported. Apparently, it is in connection with such a sad fact of the price of Jamaica is not very high, and life, respectively, is unnaturally expensive. Prices for many goods are quite complied with Moscow, and some are even much higher. In August 1962, Jamaica received independence and now half a century on his own, but, in my opinion, unsuccessfully, trying to solve the deepest economic and social problems and periodically proves its worthwest, reporting, for example, the crime in the country has decreased to zero-recruited - Something there is zero-zero percent. In general, everything would be ridiculous if it were not so sad.

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I can not not note that the shores of Jamaica Sea is different from Mexican. It is much more transparent and cleaner, there are no oily impurities in it - probably the tragedy of 2010 bypassed Jamaica by the party, for which we only remain thank the heavens, for the marine fairy tale of the Black Island was preserved at an initial form and remained not disturbed and not corrected by a person. What is even important, so this is the absence of algae in the local waters, which are overshadowed by a good part of the elite cancun.

On the island, it seems, the English language is official, but this is not enough - Jamaians do not even understand the British. Soon I found out the prestressed fact: Jamaica do not speak English as such, they use a puudu language in everyday life - a certain impression of a mixture of languages ​​on the basis of English. The tongue of Puetu was formed on Jamaica during the colonization period. English, as well as Spanish, children are starting to study only at school, and in everyday life, naturally, nobody uses them. And if you consider that a free education in the country, as I understood, only under 12 years old, it is not at all difficult to understand what they have a real level of English, which is not clear why is indicated as an official state language. Approximately the same success could be announced by the state and in Russia in Russia.

Remember, in childhood, having fun with the pictures, we built a house from five cards? It seems that we called it the "toilet" because he really looked like a primitive rustic excerpt. I remember the childhood golden, when you wander here: if it is impatient, for example, to eat, keep in mind that the institutions like the card house described by me, and there is nothing like a cafe, and even a restaurant, about what you proudly will notify the simple inscription, Made on the wall of the Saraike of Coal.

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What else would I want to stop, so it's a marijuana, or a ganzha / genth, as they call it here. Or a cigarette Bob Marley. Smoking drugs in the country under the ban, but smoke everything and everywhere. The penalty, say, comes to two thousand green, but it does not stop anyone and does not scare at all. Yes, and hemp, it seems, it grows almost on the "loft". Of course, I exaggerate a little, but such a slight accessibility of the grass is somewhat puzzled. Buy a couple of jambs here much easier than finding something edible.

Touching disarming smoothies, sincerity, openness and the immediacy of local residents: they are not a shadow of embarrassment what they think they see, they laugh when it is ridiculous or they just have a good mood. They will be completely unlucky to have fun from the soul, if you do something wrong, but no one has a gust of you to poke, pry or offend. I never encountered a negative, which is in need of official and unofficial sources warn. That's what I really like in Jamaitsa, so their mentality - I sincerely struck their non-conflict and preparedness to compromise. They say that weak revenge, strong forgiveness, and everyone is forgotten. If you follow the logic and standard characteristics, the Jamaians would have to take revenge on their colonial past, for their resentment, insults and humiliations, who were subjected to ancestors over the centuries. Not there was something, my friends, Jamaitsa ... they all forgotten.

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