Rest in Minsk: tourist reviews


In mid-September, the weather in Minsk was not bad, there were still many greens on the streets, there were no cold winds, it was rather dry. Thanks to this weather, I could pay more time to walks along the capital of Belarus.

At first glance, the city seemed more modern to me. Very many new high-rise residential buildings, many modern business centers. Pretty modern urban (public transport). Especially impressed me the building of the new state library. However, this is all I watched while driving from the airport to the central bus station.

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The "second" acquaintance with Minsk I started with a walk in the city center. The center in Minsk is comfortable enough, there is always where to go to have a snack, but it's not particularly to see. Special delight did not cause me a visit to the main square of the city - Independence Square. She is not very big and there is nothing to look at it, although it is just possible to walk. On the square there are a lot of descents underground, where there are a lot of different shops, in which you can find anything with your soul, there and I acquired a bunch of different souvenirs for my friends and loved ones. By the way, if we talk about prices, then in Minsk they are quite worthy and this concerns in principle the entire range that is offered.

By itself, the city is as if in the development stage, modern houses are built a lot, in some areas Minsk seems completely Soviet.

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