Where can I eat in Yerevan? How much money to take money?


Armenian cuisine, they say one of the most ancient kitchens in Asia and the most ancient in the Transcaucasus. About how! And, if we consider that the traditions of the preparation of Armenian dishes are already many centuries, then there are no reason to visit Yerevan and not to visit the Armenian restaurant simply not.

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Interestingly, parts of traditional cuisine are often prepared separately, and then combine before serving on the table. It should be noted that Armenian cuisine is always a lot of meat, and the meat is the most diverse. By the way, you can find a rather strange combination of meat. For example, a very interesting and ancient dish - Arganak consists of chicken and deer meat.

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Many in Armenian cuisine dishes based on extinguishing. Well, of course, seasonings, seasonings! Black pepper, kinza, mint, estragon, basil, chamber, garlic. One way or another, but Armenian cuisine is considered rather sharp.

Love Armenians different Plovy. , moreover, with rather interesting additives and ingredients, with a grenade (melting hrrow), with smoked fish (melting of aphtatz szkov) or dried fruits (pieces of float).

Where can I eat in Yerevan? How much money to take money? 47265_3

If you bring, try the national dish Tal (Kaurma, Ghavurma) - canned in the jet jig or fuel oil meat.

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They love the dishes from Turkey, by the way.

As for concrete meat dishes, which you can try to fully appreciate the taste and charm of Armenian cuisine, then try the following:

Horovitz (kebab from large pork pieces, less often lamb and beef, on the grill or in a saucepan), Iki Bir (beef kebabs and roasted sala), KJFTA (meat balls), Tolman (rolls with meat in grape leaves or lean rolls), Baskirtat (strips of boiled beef), Arisa (Something like chicken meat and wheat porridge), Bozbash (boiled lamb with peas and greens), putuk (soup with lamb), Borani (roasted chicken with eggplants and matsuna), Sudzuch (crushed sausage with spices, snack, usually), Tzhzhik (Liver with vegetables), Kchuch (lamb dish with potatoes), AMIC (chicken or turkey, stuffed with rice and dried fruits).

It was not without fish dishes. Be sure to try Sevan Trout that dwells only in this area.

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Armenians make excellent cheese! Burous cheeses are very popular here ( Motal ), wicker cheeses Chechil and Husac Panyre , cheeses with mold Kanana Panyre and Mklats Panyr.

As for concrete restaurants of Armenian traditional cuisine You can visit the following restaurants:

Armenian fast food and restaurants cheaper (account 500-5000 dram)

Doner kebab (ul. Moskovina 41)

Karas (ul. Vardanan 15/6, PR Mestets 20, st. Cc. Kochar 20/1, ul. Avetisyan 48/1, ul Bashjunjagyan 188/5, Ul Sebastia 52/1)

RENA (Ul.Mantasyana 44/1)

The Club (ul. Tumanyan 40)

Arevelyan Khohanots (Komitas 16)

Retro Cafe (Ul. Tamanyan 6/6)

Tashir Pizza (Horáh 33)

Tumanyan Khinkali (ul. Tumanyan 21/1)

Tutti Frutti (Sayat - Nova, 13)

Cheap restaurants (account: 5000-10000 drams)

Bardiner (Gorge Hrazdan 71)

Bravo Restaurant (st. Kochar 13)

Kapela Restaurant (Lo 13/1 st.)

Granada (ul. Pushkin 25/5)

Kilikia Restaurant (st. Anrapetyan 78)

Marco Polo (Ul. Abovian 1/3)

ROLY (North Avenue 6/24)

Santa Familia (st. Sayat-Nova 37)

Tsirani (Babadzhanyan Block 3, 1)

Tufenkian Kharpert Restaurant (Yanrapetian 48)

Afrikyanneri Pandok (Avyat-Nova 39 and ul. Pushkin 1)

Bellaggio (meatyanikyan st. 2)

Caucasus Tavern (ul. Anrapetyan 82)

Central (Ul. Abovyan 30)

Charles (ul. Tamanyan 3/40)

Charles Summer Terrace (Tamanyan 3/40 st.)

Liban (Sat-Nova Ave. 23)

Mimino (ul. Alek Manukyan 7)

Monte Cristo (Hrazdan Gorge, not far from the Museum-Institute of the Armenian Genocide)

OUR VILLAGE (Sayat-Nova 5)

Pandok Qakhaq (ul. Anrapetyan 30)

Pandok Yerevan (Ul. Tereyan 91, ul. Amiryan 5, st. Horansha 29/2, ul. Paronia 7)

Restaurants are more expensive: (account: 10,000-20000 drams)

Havana (Leningradan Str., 1/6)

Pharaon Restaurant (D.Verin Pthni, Abovyan 5, 15 minutes drive from the center of Yerevan)

Raffaello (ul. Italy 1)

Rossini (Ul. Abovyan 14)

Dear restaurants: (account: 20,000-30000 drams)

Dolmama (Ul. Pushkin 10)

As you can see, most of the restaurants of Armenian cuisine are in principle, inexpensive, and you can dine there in the amount of from 12 to 25 dollars. Some of the indicated your restaurants combine not only the Armenian, but also Georgian cuisine, a couple of them are ready to offer the guests of European dishes.

If you intend to stay in Yerevan a little longer, and the local traditional cuisine is already tired of you, then the city offers many other options. For example:

Georgian cuisine:

GenatSvale (ul. Kiev 7)

Greek cuisine:

Bughacha (ul. Pushkin 37)

Mr. Gyros (ul. Tumanyan, 40)

Retro Cafe (Ave. Mashtots 37 and st. Tamanyan 6/6) and Cafe Central (Abovian 30 st. 30) also offer dishes of Armenian and European cuisine.

Japanese kitchen:

Moscafe (Ul.ABOVYAN 18)

Samurai Sushi Bar (Pr. Bagremya 2)

Santa Fe (Music Street, France Square)


Wasabi Japanese Sushi Restaurant (ul. Abovyan 1/3)

Arabic kitchen:

Lagonid (ul. Nalbandyan 37)

Lebanon (ul. Tamanyan 3)

Liban (Sat-Nova Ave. 23)

O2 Cafe (Alek Manukyan, 2)

Taboule (st. Zayan 8/21)

Mexican food:

CACTUS (Mashtots Avenue 42)

Mexican Cuisine (Saryana Str. 2)

TACO-MACO (Baghamyan 2/72 Ave)

Brazilian cuisine:

Brazilian Pioneer Restaurant (Pr. Bagremya 2)

Spanish cuisine:

Granada (ul. Pushkin 25/5)

Indian food:

Karma (ul. Teryaina 65)

Czech cuisine:

Karloff Czech Restaurant (Musica 31)

Mediterranean Kitchen:


Beer Academy (ul. Moskovyan 8)

Italian food:

Ai Leoni (st. Tumanyan 40)

Al Sheikh / La Scala (Staryan 91/1)

Cascade Chocolateria (Ul. Tamanyan 1-17)

Cucina Marriott (ul. Amiryaan 1)

Espression Lavazza (Zvartnots International Airport, Departure Hall)

La Piazza (North Avenue 5)

Martini Royale Cafe (Bovyana 16)

MEDITERRANEO (ul. Italy 1)

Mozarteum (st. Bairon 2 / 1-5)

Oliva (st. Kohbatsi 30/26)

Patio (Seat. Avenue 5)

Provence (North Avenue 5)

Raffaello (ul. Italy 1)

Rossini (Ul. Abovyan 14)

Sorriso Cafe Gelateria (North Avenue 10)

Terrazza (ul. Isaakyana, 28)

Tiziano (North Avenue 10/10)

Veranda (North Avenue 3/85)

Al Dente (Azatutian 2/2 Ave)

ANKYUN (ul. Vardanan 4)

Bella Italia (Ul.Abovyan 7)

As you can see, the variety is impressive! Hungry you will definitely stay!

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