Rest in Armenia: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Armenia?


Often we wonder where to go to relax to experience new emotions, visit new places, diversify holidays without the usual All Inclusive and just have a good time. So, I want to talk about Armenia, we will consider the pros and cons of rest in this country.

Rest in Armenia: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Armenia? 47237_1

What are your first associations with this title, probably Mount Ararat and Cognac, but this is not all the advantages of this state. Surprisingly, Armenia was part of the Soviet republics, but for many in memory remained just the name, therefore it is necessary to open the stoken and discover this country.

The first plus of rest, I think there is no linguistic barrier, the official language of Armenian, but despite this Russian language continues to teach in secondary schools.

Rest in Armenia: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Armenia? 47237_2

The older and middle generation talks more freely than the younger, but I think, as in any state where tourism begins to develop, problems with communication will not arise. In the hotel, the city, or on excursions there are no discomfort you do not feel in this regard. By cons, I can rank the fact that the menu in some restaurants consists of English and Armenian languages, if you do not have the above listed, you should not be upset, because you will always come to your assistance to you, and not only translate, but also advise What you should taste.

By the way, to another one of the advantages, you can count Armenian cuisine, this state in the Transcaucasia will not leave anyone indifferent. The main dish is meat, but it is the meat most of all love in this country, a kebab is fried everywhere, it will prepare for you from lamb, pork, beef or poultry meat.

Rest in Armenia: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Armenia? 47237_3

Of course, a very love dish of dolma, stuffed vegetables. Armenian cuisine is very fragrant, for this use seasonings, sometimes they turn out to be the main component of the Kushan. There are a lot of various restaurants and cafes, the choice for you is as they say, the only thing that will advise should not go into very rich-decorated places, as they are preparing everywhere the same delicious, but Venopa politicians due to the environment around you, will differ dramatically .

Rest in Armenia: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Armenia? 47237_4

The minuses include attitude to smoking in this country, non-smoking rooms find it difficult. But if you visit Armenia at Warm Periods of the Year, then you can stay in the cafe in the fresh air and quite enjoy the excellent kitchen. And if you look for a cozy institution where to spend dinner, it is at this time of day, many institutions offer not just a pleasant to spend the evening

Rest in Armenia: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Armenia? 47237_5

And also accompanied by live music. Here it is already to choose from, you can enroll this argument either to the pros, or by minus. Although there is enough many other restaurants without music. Personally, I think, having arrived in a separate country, it is necessary to become a little local resident in someone else's country, and allow culture and local mentality to penetrate you, then the sensations will be absolutely different.

And yet it is impossible to bypass the sounds of the sounds of Armenian Duduk, this is an integral part of the culture and traditions of this nation. By the way, in two thousand fifth year, the music of this tool was noted as a masterpiece of the UNESCO World Intangible Cultural Heritage.

Rest in Armenia: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Armenia? 47237_6

In Armenia, it is also called Ciranapoch that in the translation means "the soul of the apricot tree", or the "apricot pipe", because it is made from this tree. For centuries, no event is passed without his sound, whether it is folk holidays, or weddings and funerals and so on. Therefore, it is necessary to visit the places where a pleasant, penetrating deep into any person Music Duduk.

Armenia is so rich in the sights and the most beautiful nature that some of it is called the "open-air museum", and this is another plus, you will not be bored. Also, I want to emphasize that it is one of the oldest countries, on the territory of which Christianity was accepted. And this is another fact that makes many residents of Russia and the CIS countries closer. To this days, more than four thousand different memories were preserved at its territory, some belong to the pre-Christian era, among them: the ruins of the ancient capitals of Armavir and Artashat,

Rest in Armenia: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Armenia? 47237_7

Also, the remnants of URART Erebuni, Teishebaine and others; Well, most of course occupy monuments that relate to Christian architecture, these are cathedrals, monasteries, the ruins of the ancient Church of Zvartnots and much more. Of course you can not forget about the gifts of nature in the form of a wonderful Lake Sevan,

Rest in Armenia: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Armenia? 47237_8

Rocks of the HNDOROSK, the waterfall in Jermuk, of course the mineral waters are deserved separate attention, which goes to the surface of the earth both cold and hot springs, as well as a unmatched mountain range.

In general, a pleasant atmosphere and hospitality will chase you throughout your stay, it will make a guilty local population and Armenian brandy. But still there are consumers, it is quite expensive accommodation in comfortable hotel complexes and not very good condition of the roads, and after all, Armenia is insanely beautiful and wants to see as much as possible, so having left for an excursion, or by going on a trip on your own, stick up patience.

Rest in Armenia: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Armenia? 47237_9

But after what he saw, probably no longer important, on which asphalt, or the off-road you got there.

At the expense of recreation with children, I want to notice if you doubt whether to take them on a journey, then you want to detect this feeling and unequivocally gather in Armenia the whole family. A lot of tourists attend this country and almost everything in full.

Rest in Armenia: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Armenia? 47237_10

After all, Armenians, very hospitable people, no one will be overweight. But lonely girls who wish to visit here without a company, I also want to say, you can safely go. No one to pester to you, but this is the Caucasian people, but nevertheless they are brought up very well. Let's say so who does not attract interimlessly attention, he will feel comfortable everywhere everywhere.

Rest in Armenia: pros and cons. Is it worth going to Armenia? 47237_11

If you want a holiday for the soul, you need to gather in Armenia, kebabs, dolma, brandy and mountain Ararat, carpets, local sweets, monasteries, insanely beautiful mountains and forests, pleasant hospitality and a lot of things waiting for you.

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