Rest in Ushuaire: pros and cons. Should I go to Ushuaiu?


Solved, Argentina! It remains only to choose a suitable resort. Somehow my upcoming journey in Ushuaia looked like. In favor of this city, its natural beauty and affordable prices for rest (thanks to the free economic zone). I did not have any problems with the choice of hotel. In Ushuaia, a large number of hotels and hostels providing a high level of service or simply decent overnight. The choice, as always rests in the amount that tourists are willing to allocate for payment of accommodation. A small nuance is that the room in the mid-level hotel is desirable to book in advance. Upon arrival, it may be that all places are busy, and travelers will be forced to select an option in a more expensive or cheap price category.

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With meals in Ushuaia, everything is simple. You can always eat soripan (very much reminds all the famous hot dogs) or delicious pies made of thin dough with various fillings right on the city street. You can dine more tight and dine in numerous resort restaurants. In one of the restaurants I managed to try big crabs. They were decorated with bright red shells with spikes, plus an unusual sauce. The taste of dishes is stunning and the price is pleasant. Dinner time in Ushuaia is different from the usual tourists. In restaurants, feeding evening meals begins at 21:00.

Choosing Ushuaia I had the opportunity to send postcards to friends from the southern city of the Earth. Locals, joking, remind all tourists about this unique opportunity.

It is characterized by Ushuaia from other resorts of Argentina with its small size. However, look in the city there is something. In the center of Park Parque Centenario:

Rest in Ushuaire: pros and cons. Should I go to Ushuaiu? 47223_2

Further, the street is located on the street (former prison) and the sea museum.

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Shoulderly walking through the central park, you should turn to panoramic sites. They offer a beautiful view of the city, bay and sometimes snow-covered mountains. Only in this city you can visit the most southern art exhibitions in the most beautiful building of the city of Baben House.

The positive side of the journey to this resort is that tourists are not easy to relax, but will be able to get acquainted with the life of sea lions and penguins. Travelers with the children of Ushuaia attracts walks on a boat or catamaran on the strait of the Beagle, excursions to the Fire Earth National Park. Children like to watch the beagues and study their dams. Lovers of outdoor activities will delight horseback rides and rides on mountain biking, excursions to Tolhuin Hill or the Clean Lakes Escondido and Fighano.

The only thing that can upset travelers is changeable weather. Going out in the summer on a trip with children in Ushuaia, it is necessary to grab a couple of warm things and rubber boots. In the morning and in the evening at the resort is cool. Suddenly looking for the sun, as suddenly disappears.

Advanced tourists come to the city not only to relax, but also duty free to purchase electronics. Me prices for new modern technique did not attract, in my opinion, there are more profitable resorts for such purchases.

Ushuaia is considered a secure resort. However, it is not worth losing a vigilance. Large amounts of money is better to leave the hotel's safe.

Here, perhaps, all. Everyone decides himself whether to go to Ushuaia. My journey succeeded. I have never regretted that this resort chose.

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