What is worth viewing in Algeria? The most interesting places.


The most interesting places of Algeria

Ahaggar . The highlands of the huge and beautiful sugar desert is located in the southern part of Algeria. The highest point is Mount Tahat, which has an impressive height of three thousand meters. The basis of the Highlands is volcanic rocks, and the rocks were formed as a result of natural weathering.

What is worth viewing in Algeria? The most interesting places. 47134_1

National Park Shreya . He is the smallest National Park of Algeria. It is located in the northern part of the country, in the province of Break.

Algerian Observatory . This is the oldest observatory in the entire African continent. It is located a few kilometers from the capital, in the suburbs of Algeria Buzarea. For the first time, the idea of ​​creating a observatory was voiced in 1856 by the French mathematician Urben Jean Joseph Levier. However, Charles Treppie is considered the founder of the observatory, which immediately after the discovery, which took place in 1880, took the position of director.

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Mosque Ketshawa . Refers to the main attractions of the capital. Built in the harmonious unison of two styles - Byzantine and Mauritanian. Start of construction, accounted for by 1612, but for all the time of its existence, the mosque changed his appearance many times. In the mosque itself, many interesting and valuable historical exhibits are collected, but its most important decoration, is an unimaginable beautiful architecture.

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National Park Tenieta El Had . A great place for walking tourism. There are many of the most diverse plants and wondrous animals. Going for a walk through this park, you can see Zaitsev, monkeys, antelope, zebras, Algerian hens, Gien, Shakalov, Gazelles, Giraffes and many other animals.

Belize National Park . Was created in 1984. This is one of the main, natural values ​​of Algeria, which spread out in two hundred and sixty square kilometers. The uniqueness of the territory that the park occupies is that the climate here has repeatedly changed from the wet cold to dry semi-desert.

Schott-Melgir . The largest in the territory of Algeria is a dry-free salty lake with an area of ​​6700 km². In the rainy season, which falls on the winter months, the lake is filled with water, and in the summer it almost completely breathes and turns into Solonchak.

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National Museum of Fine Arts . The museum has a canvas of such great artists as Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Ferdinand Victor Eugene Delakrua, Nasreddin Dina. It also stores the exciting spirit of sculptures, engravings and paintings of no less well-known authors who are worthy of the attention of visitors.

National Museum of Antiquity . The oldest museum of the capital, which was opened in 1897. The museum contains exhibits that open the curtain of the history of this area.

Ethnographic Museum of Bardo . Past, it is simply impossible to pass, because it is located in the center of Algeria. The building in which the museum is located was built at the end of the eighteenth century and served as a suburban residence. The museum was opened here in 1930.

African Cathedral of Our Lady.

What is worth viewing in Algeria? The most interesting places. 47134_5

This acting Catholic temple at the same time he is a historical and cultural monument of Algeria. It was built in 1872. Entrance to the temple, absolutely free and everyone can admire this sample of the non -ovitantic architecture with a combination of Roman elements.

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