Where to go in Bern and what to see?


Bern is not only the capital of Switzerland, but also one of the oldest and most beautiful cities in the region. He surprises from the first minutes of staying unshakable calm and dimension, feeling of well-being and some kind of security. And despite the fact that in the evening the streets are almost empty, they are very pleasant for them, considering the expensive goods exhibited in the showcases, as well as inspect the local attractions, which absorbs special, Berkin Spirit.

Where to go in Bern and what to see? 4706_1

The only thing I want to immediately say is that the ancient name of Bern went from the word " bear ", so get ready to see the symbol of the city everywhere. It may be a bear on the wires, and the Figure of the Knight's Bear, adorning the fountain, and, finally, even live bears in a bear pit.

A list of what can and even look in the city is quite large. I would recommend to start inspection with its old, historical part, where most of the architectural monuments and art are concentrated, opening the guests of the capital of her story. It is noteworthy that the city managed to perfectly preserve his rich heritage almost in pristine form, so most of the buildings of the old city refers to 16-17 centuries. The characteristic feature of the historic heart of Bern can be considered the presence of numerous arcades located on both sides of the streets.

One of the main attractions of the old Bern is rightfully considered Berne Cathedral Münster (Münster), which was built from 1421 to 1893 in the style of late Gothic and considered the highest temple in all Switzerland. He conquers his greatness and power. But internal decoration, with the exception, perhaps, beautiful window stained glass windows of the 15th century, stroses with its modesty and simplicity, such a characteristic of the church reformation, denying luxury and excesses in the life of the temple.

The most popular tourist destination is Bell Tower Cytglogge (Zytglogge). Built in the 12th century, it was originally an integral part of urban fortifications and towered over the entrance (gate) to the city. In the same year, elegant astronomical watches were installed on its eastern wall to be a famous Master Carl Brunner, preserved to our days and attracting hundreds of curious daily. And not in vain! After all, every hour of figures, connected to the mechanism, arrange a real representation for its viewers, and looking at the dial, you can see the movement of stars and even consider your zodiac sign. The spectacle is really impressive!

Walking along the old streets of Bern, it is impossible not to pay attention to his beautiful Fountains Each of which is already in itself a real work of art. Mentioned in the 13th century in the ancient documents, the Berne "wells" passed a long way from the supply of citizens with drinking water to graceful decorations and even a real unwashed symbol of the city. Among the approximately 100 Berne fountains, which are a container with water, over which the column is tested, decorated with a carved figure, can also find a cheriath, and a bear in the armor, and many other well-known characters. By the way, all Bern's fountains are a real historical and cultural value and are listed by UNESCO World Heritage List.

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On RathausGasse you can see the building City Hall (Rathaus), built in the 15th century and preserved its political importance to this day. Near the Town Hall, the charming fountain of the 16th century is towers - Vennerbrunnen, which is a figure of nobleman.

And of course it is impossible to imagine an acquaintance with Bern without inspecting his federal government building - Bundeshaus (Bundeshaus), in which the Federal Parliament and the Federal Council of Switzerland meet. Built at the very beginning of the 20th century, it is a real decoration of the city and is proudly towers on the square, personifying the Swiss democracy and national pride. The building is open to visiting, so, going inside, you can consider the magnificent dome, decorated with a mosaic depicting the federal coat of arms with the motto and coat of arms of all Cantons of Switzerland, as well as admire interesting stained glass windows showing different sides of the country's life.

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There are in the capital and interesting memorial sculptural compositions that deserve them to see. So, at Kornhausstrasse, in front of the theater building, you can see Memorial Rudolph von Erlah , Military Worker of the 14th century, the leader of many significant battles for Swiss swiss.

Berne bridges deserve separate attention, the oldest of which is considered Bridge Untertorbrücke. , who was at his time the only stone bridge over the AAR River, connecting the center of Bern (Old Town) and reached us almost in priority from the 15th century.

Bern, as a major tourist center, can boast of various museums, among whom everyone can find something that interests him. If the time allows, be sure to go at least one of them. This is I. Art Museum representing about three thousand canvases of world-famous masters - Pablo Picasso, Ferdinand Khodler and others, as well as sculptures, sketches and engravings, and Historical Museum of Bern , the richest exposition of which has about 500 thousand exhibits on the sections of archeology, history, numismatics and ethnography of the region and the world, and Museum of Communication telling about the emergence and development of postal service and other ways of human communication. A no less interesting campaign may also be Museum of the Swiss Alps , the rich and modern exposition of which will introduce visitors with the beauty and the greatness of mountain peaks, the wealth of their plant and animal world, the courage and the courage of the famous conquerors of the mountains, and will also provide the opportunity to make an exciting interactive journey to the highest points of Switzerland.

If possible, it is necessary to visit and House Einstein , located on KraMgasse in the building, where from 1903 to 1905 the great scientist took off the apartment and wrote his famous theory of relativity.

Lovers of nature will undoubtedly attract the idea to visit Berne Botanical Garden (Botanischer Garten), in which plants grow, assembled not only in different regions of Switzerland, but also in many countries of the world. Acquaintance with the rich floral world of our planet can be completely captivated for several hours and become one of the memorable moments of your trip.

As for my personal impressions from visiting Bern and inspecting his attractions, I can safely say that this is one of the most colorful and unusual cities that I had to see. It would seem traditional buildings filled with some unique atmosphere, a turquoise surface of the river carrying their waters through the city, adds him romantics and fabulousness, and calm and dimensions that have impregnated with the capital air allow not a hurry to enjoy unique landscapes opening from different points of the city. This is probably the place where you can not only learn a lot of new things and inspect the outstanding monuments of architecture and culture, but also to be alone with them, but most importantly, to feel unity with nature, which seems to be drawn to you ...

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