Tenerife September-October 2013


Why did I chose Tenerife from a plurality of Canary Islands? Because this is perhaps the only resort in Europe, where the climate is so soft that you can sunbathe and swim all year round - even in winter. There is always warmth on Tenerife, but there is no heat-driven crazy. However, in the summer, it is still fry, and in the winter it is colded to swim, so the best time to relax on this island is the beginning and middle of autumn. In Tenerife, you can safely go with the children, without fearing to pick up some tropical disease or be bited by some kind of snakes or fly - there it is just not there, as well as predatory mammals. And so - my choice fell on this island.

The first impression of him was somewhat unexpected - around black sand, which even somehow annoyed ... and the complete absence of beaches in the understanding, as is customary in Europe. Yes, there are sun beds, in places "fungi" from the Sun - actually everything ... True, there is one beach on the island, which was covered with bridal sand - this is Las Teresitas Beach in Santa Cruz. This is the most adapted to relax with the shovel beach. In the ocean, a special stone breakwater was built to fencing the water area from cold ocean flows. I pleased that all the beaches on Tenerife are free, not counting the rental of lounge chairs and umbrellas. But I, as an amateur "Staging", I prefer another type of rest, and not sunny baths on the beach. The benefit of the case, in Tenerife there is something to see!

To begin with, we went to Tadeid Volcano, where you can get by bus or funicule. They say, from the top of the volcano you can see the shores of Africa, but we were not lucky - it was cloudy. For the time we saw how many paragliders are relevant over the island - on Taid many starting sites. Such an unusual and exciting spectacle! There were in the Botanical Garden in Puerto de la Cruz, made a water excursion to find dolphins or whales (found whales!), Excursion is interesting. We visited the Dzhangl Park (show in the zoo), the children were delighted! And I was impressed by Loro Park (Parrot Park), especially his pingvinarius. Somehow strangely looks penguins on a tropical island, however, the Penguinaries on Tenerife are the best in the world, and the conditions for penguins are created absolutely natural, which cannot but affect! About the vegetable world of Tenerife, you need to write a separate review - this is a bay forest, and ficuses with a living house, and the arches from living plants, and a dragon tree, and self-healing pine - their many wonderful plants on Tenerife! Separately, I want to mention local inquiry. Each town is boiled cheeses from homemade milk. They all differ among themselves to taste and the smell - I liked not all, as I prefer the neutral taste of cheese, and there they came across salt, and sweetish, and with a taste of some spices of varieties. But my husband said that she was ready to eat alone cheeses. I liked the local national dish from potatoes. According to the form - the usual digested potato in the uniform, and in fact - such a yummy! Now I want to go to Tenerife in February-March, when an annual carnival is held on the island. I am sure - there will definitely be on what "pampery"!

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