Holidays in Tikirov: how to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer.


If you decide to go on vacation in Tecov yourself, then you can choose a few options, it all depends on what region you are going to leave. Tekirova can be reached in three ways, it is air, auto and sea transport.

The easiest and perhaps the cheapest, unless of course you have a large family, this is the airfare. To do this, you will first purchase a ticket from your area to Antalya Airport. The order can be done via the Internet and depending on where you will fly from your flight can be both direct and with a transplant, perhaps even with two. If the transplantation is produced in Istanbul, then passport control you will be running there, and then move from the international terminal to the local and then the flight will be performed by local airlines. If direct flights to Antalya are performed from your city, it is natural that you will have passport control at Antalya Airport.

Holidays in Tikirov: how to get there? Cost, travel time, transfer. 4702_1

If we talk about a ticket price, then it is more profitable to fly on a charter flight, as the price can be two or three times cheaper than the passenger flight. The price of the charter flight depends on the number of passengers, the less passengers, the cheaper the flight. So with the flight to Antalya we figured out, then you need to get to Tekirova. Again there are options. The easiest of course get from the airport by taxi. Antalya Airport to Tekirova is about seventy kilometers. Taxi takes about 110-120 dollars, and gets about an hour.

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But you can get public transport and the following will come. At the airport, you sit on the city bus with the number 600. It is impossible to confuse, because in the city this is the only bus, there are no others, or rather, now they were allowed at number 600a, but you don't need it. So, sitting on 600, which is sent directly from the exit from the local terminal building, which is different called Domestix, every half an hour.

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He goes to the bus station, the fare of two dollars. Time of following to the bus station for about an hour. After reaching the bus station, you are replant with a long-distance minibus (Dolmush), which goes along the route Antalya-Kemer-Tecirova.

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By time, he comes one and a half - two hours. The fare is six dollars. Departure every fifteen to twenty minutes. Thus, on public transport, you spend eight dollars per person and on the road you have a total of three to four hours.

I always went to the tourist on my car. Since I previously lived in Moldova, it is natural that my way began with Moldova and passed through Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey. From my city Belbets to Tekirova 2130 kilometers. Usually I shared the road in half, that is, stayed on holiday in Istanbul, and the next day continued the road further. Although once returning home from recreation to catch on your own birthday, drove this distance, as they say in one breath. With stops of course, but only on the toilet and the crossing, which took a total of 23 hours.

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If someone interests the best car route, please ask, I will explain in detail. For many years I went to Istanbul every week and drove all possible tracks and customs both in Romania and Bulgaria, and in Kemer and Tecov was repeatedly. Just do not forget that Romania and Bulgaria are in the European Union, and for this will have to open a transit or Schengen visa. For one, count the price of gasoline in these countries, which costs a half euro liter, as well as the price of gasoline in Turkey for two euros per liter. Thus get to Temova can be beneficial if you have a big family, and the cost of flights will exceed the cost of gasoline. But of course the impressions of traveling by car through all Romania, all Bulgaria and all Turkey will stay in memory for life.

By sea, you can take again, depending on your place of residence. And there are several options, too, to Istanbul and further to Antalya or Alanya. Also use Izmir and further Alanya or Antalya, etc. If you have your own yacht, you can plan the route to your discretion.

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