Rest in Baku: pros and cons. Should I go to Baku?


Baku is a beautiful modern city, is the capital of Azerbaijan. My trip was very short, but the feeling of visiting Baku was very bright. I will try to tell about them in more detail. So, if you decide to come here, you should immediately understand that despite the fact that the city is located in the Caspian Sea, you will not be able to swim in the capital. Why?! And because it is right here directly from the shore, there are serious oil extraction units. The sea in this place is dirty with the appropriate odor. So or take a hotel with a swimming pool, or go beyond the city.

As you understand, Baku is not a beach vacation. Here come with other purposes: on business, visit to relatives or with cognitive, like me.

Rest in Baku: pros and cons. Should I go to Baku? 46997_1

Fountain in the city center.

Baku dear city. Local currency here is called - manat. The course is about such 1 manat is 1 euro. The cost of accommodation in the hotel starts from 60 dollars. It is cheaper to rent an apartment, about $ 40, depending on the area, repair, the availability of the Internet. If you need a completely economical option, you can try to stay in a hostel, in Baku their three pieces, the price will be only $ 20. By the way, despite the fact that the country is Muslim, in the room you canree and boys and girls together.

In general, I came to the conclusion, having visited many where. That as soon as the country begins to enriched at the expense of oil, the city changes with a mad speed. Start up the build up the building, losing their Asian flavor. For some reason immediately remembered the UAE.

Rest in Baku: pros and cons. Should I go to Baku? 46997_2

High rods in Baku

So Baku is mega modern city, but alas from the fact that there was once a little left here. If you want to still have to see the old Baku, then go right now, the old narrow residential streets remained little.

Going here, keep in mind that the weather here is somewhat specific. At any time of the year you will meet a strong wind, sometimes cold and knocking down. Therefore, even in the summer, it is worth capturing a light windbreaker.

What surprised or even struck is an abundance of luxury, everywhere marble, gilding. Dear boutiques, luxury cars. Prices in stores are high, as simple citizens live a big question. In Baku, even the road wash with a special detergent, everything glitters that you can safely walk without shoes.

During walking around the city, it is necessary to be extremely careful, especially if you decide to move the road, with pedestrian transitions in Baku, the real misfortune, there are very few of them, so everyone runs on their own peril and risk, I tried several times, very scary, probably you need to live here Not one year to understand this system.

The local population is very pleasant, hospitable. It can be seen that among people high levels of education and culture. The female population loves beautifully and fashionably dress. If you go to some homely cozy restaurant, then the owner itself will come to you, be sure to treat something delicious. Very good people.

In addition to pleasant walks and acquaintances with the locals, you will be interested to visit attractions such as the Maiden Tower, Telbashnya and necessarily the old town, by the way, it was in it that the famous film "Diamond Hand" was filmed.

The city becomes especially beautiful in the dark, turn on the backlighting of buildings, sculptures and even lawns. Everything glows and overflows that at some point you forget about where you are, and the feeling that you walk along the modern European city. The whole hint of the east and the old day will disappear.

Rest in Baku: pros and cons. Should I go to Baku? 46997_3

Night Baku.

Outside the city, everything is completely different. Therefore, the color is not necessary to go to Baku. You will see such an already rare phenomenon, like a lingerie on the street several owners at the same time.

I loved this city, it is special, very fashionable and modern. And worthy to love him and came as often as possible.

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