What currency is better to take with you in Chiang May?


Many tourists departing in Tai are wondering: what money to take themselves. The tips of "experienced" (and not very) are poured by the river, which leads to even greater confusion and doubts. My friends, do not break your head and take with you the currency that is. In TAE, you can exchange anything, even the fact that from time immemorial is lying in your wallets after visiting different countries.

What currency is better to take with you in Chiang May? 4690_1

For example, at no further as last night, I independently surrendered Indian rupees and rupees of Indonesia, who only annoyed the inability to realize these borrowings somewhere, except for their historic homeland. I didn't accept me only a half-story of India, referring to the fact that small bills they do not take, and everything else went into the course without problems, adding 500 baht to my Thai budget, which is not bad for local standards. Now I will explain about rubles. In popular among our people, Pattaya, the ruble is considered a very convertible currency, and you can turn the rubles to Bat in any of the millions of exchangers of the resort area. I am now far from Pattaya, in the north of the country, therefore I can say with confidence about the exchange rate of Chiang May. Two days ago, I changed rubles at the rate of 0.9 baht for the ruble, which is quite decent, if you consider that the official banking rate is 0.93. Someone screams that it is not profitable to change rubles - well, judge for yourself. There will be a exchange rate in large banks, which I also explored 2 days ago: the course 0.75-0.77 did not please at all, and I went straight to the SUPER Rich Money exchange point within the borders of the square (city center), where the aforementioned course was set Exchange and where afternoon I exchanged the Indian and Indonesian currency. If you prefer to carry a bank card with you, then be calm: working at any time ATMT you will find on every corner, the Commission of the Thai bank will be 150-170 baau-rubles per surgery, and therefore it is quite obvious, to shoot large amounts from the card One is much more profitable than pulling the cat for the tail of 1-2 thousand every other day.

What currency is better to take with you in Chiang May? 4690_2

Now about dollars and euros. There is some subtlety here. Almost in the whole country, the exchange rate of large bills (50, 100) and small things will be much varied, and therefore you want to get a maximum profitable course - carry with you hundredths. The same comrades who come to Thailand for a long time and, therefore, will be forced once a month to walk on neighboring countries in order to update the Thai visa, must remember that in the "neighboring kingdoms" to the dental gross, they will need exactly the smallest dollars. . Do not hope to exchange your twenty-half-hundred and hundreds of beds in Thai items, a fault. I have already tried, I did not succeed, there was a categorical refusal everywhere, because they have each (!) The bill received from tourists was documented. And therefore, take care of this question in Russia. In my opinion, in order not to put all the eggs in one basket, the most reasonable will have a mix of dollars, euros and rubles with them, as well as a bank card, so that the soul is absolutely calm. Yes, here's another moment. If you book a hotel yourself, then now you pay in place, right at the hotel, Thai currency, and not at all in advance by transferring money from your card to cross-course the bank, as it was quite recently. The question is quite natural, they say, and how I sammed the "Monetary Fund" on this trip. I speak honestly: this time I made the focus on rubles, I also have a much more diverse mix of currencies of different countries (in minor quantities). Well, and the card, as of granted.

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