Cambodia currency. How not to miss with money and their exchange?


I think it is necessary to make some explanations regarding local currency called Riel, so that you are not at the wrong march. Farc is that in the country its currency as if, there is, but it is no one ... In addition to the national currency, the US dollars have long considered the second currency of the kingdom. Moreover, in many places the population even prefers dollars. The absolute majority of hotels and restaurants have a dollar price, and the rheyree perform the function of exchangeless coins and are used when the price is less than the dollar. In essence, dollars can pay anywhere and for anything, while prices are recalculated at the current official rate, which are well aware of all Cambodians, right up to peasants selling on the market. But the pass will give you most likely in Riesel. Perhaps, it is not worth refusing to refuse, because for minor acquisitions and small services will be more convenient to pay all the same local money. So, as you can see, there is no point in the entrance to the country to acquire the whole boiled local currency, it is better to take dollars with you on a trip with small bills - no largest twenty.

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Currently, the national currency is an extremely stable monetary unit, strongly susceptible to inflation. The lion's share of rheel banknotes is very old, catastrophically stuffed and stinking with fish, and therefore it is better to keep them in a separate bag, which you immediately destroy, leaving the country. If you really fit, then exchange only small amounts as needed and remember that the inverse exchange is unlikely to produce. Exchange the same currency in principle can be in banks and numerous exchangers, but the ATMs will have to search. In the provinces, there is not even the opportunity to cash the map or traveler checks. You can pay the same card only in expensive restaurants, solid hotels and very large stores.

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A very curious moment associated with the dollar's course is emphasized once again how their own rheelie is not quoted in Cambodia. Almost all enterprises use the course 1 $ = 4000 r, regardless of which currency you pay. But as soon as you specified that you wish to pay for Riellel, let's say, at $ 100-200 (for example, for the hotel), then you, practically probably, will make a calculation for the current official rate, which may be 4050 R and 4100 R for dollar. By the way, about the paper bills themselves. You will not see any familiar letters on them, because the Khmer letter is something mean between the intricate ornament and the string of dusty Caracatians. At the end of the crazy picture and the numbers they own their own and neither the droplets do not go to our. Praise the Almighty, on the back of the side, in the corner, the denomination of banknotes is still registered with our usual signs.

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But ... the price tags (which in Riesels) everywhere in Cambodia are written mainly in the local language. I think it's worth a ten time to think and weigh everything before being sophisticated to go to the exchanging, in order to get the lined rare bill in your collection.

And the last remark about the money. Whatever your guides tell you, in the border areas you can completely pay for Thai Batami, and Vietnamese dongs and Lao Ciles, and you will take them almost with pleasure. But keep in your head, that the farther from the border is deep into the country, the course worse, which, in my opinion, is quite natural.

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