Where is the best way to stay in Truskavets?


In order to choose the best accommodation option in Truskavets, you need to decide first for what purpose and for what period you want to come to this resort. If you have a desire to spend a couple of days and just drink mineral water from the science, then for this it is quite suitable for the private sector or one of the hotels in the city.

Where is the best way to stay in Truskavets? 4673_1

In the private sector, it will be a little cheaper, and you can independently make myself a meager from products purchased in the store or in the market, which will not work at the hotel and have to eat in one of the cafes or restaurants that again will have additional financial expenses.

If you decide not only to relax, but also to improve your health, then for this you need to highlight from two to three weeks, since for a few times the course of treatment with the use of various effect procedures will not give. In this case, it is necessary to stay in one of the sanatoriums, since the necessary procedures can be carried out in specially equipped rooms for this room, that is, in procedural offices. Some in order to save it in the private sector and agree in one of the sanatoriums on the passage of procedures in their cabinets. In principle, this is possible, but extremely inconvenient. In the summer, there was no longer enough, but if it is a winter period of time, and your procedures are associated with water baths or, for example, '' shower Sharcot '', you yourself understand that after that, it's not just not good to get from the sanatorium to your place But even dangerous to health.

Where is the best way to stay in Truskavets? 4673_2

The same thing, after heating in ozkerite, it is also impossible to go to the cold air. In addition, the chart of procedures is sometimes very saturated and addicted to fit during periods between food techniques. Therefore, I believe that for effective treatment, it is still better to choose accommodation, meals and therapeutic process in one case, that is, settle in the sanatorium. The benefit of the choice of sanatoriums in Truskavets is quite large and prices depend on the comfort and spectrum of medical services. There is already a choice of each individual, based on personal needs.

From those sanatoriums in which I had a chance to visit, and this' Moldova '', '' Shakhtor '' and '' Crystal '', most of all I liked in '' Moldova ''.

Where is the best way to stay in Truskavets? 4673_3

The accommodation rooms have standard, that is, beds, bedside tables, wardrobe, table with chairs and toilet with shower.

Where is the best way to stay in Truskavets? 4673_4

In a word, the usual standard set. And there are luxury rooms, in which good renovation, bathroom with hydromassage, TV, refrigerator, air conditioning, etc.

Where is the best way to stay in Truskavets? 4673_5

There are such numbers are certainly more expensive, but prices are not translated. Medical staff experienced and quite friendly. The sanatorium base is good, procedural offices on different floors, but in one case and connected to the main building where rooms and food halls are located. That is, go out into the street from sanatorium buildings, as it is in some sanatoriums, do not. In addition, this sanatorium has game rooms and its own library. Inside there are kiosks where you can buy any trifle, from food, to magazines, souvenirs and even some clothes. Also in the assembly hall every evening the sanatorium is held for guests.

If we talk about nutrition, it is also best to order it directly here in place, since I have already said that the time between the procedures is not enough. Food is chosen to order, that is, every day on your table lies a list of dishes the next day and you choose those dishes that you want to donate to breakfast and dinner.

Where is the best way to stay in Truskavets? 4673_6

It is very convenient, as you know what you will have the next day, based on your wishes. In addition, this is the best option during rest with children, after all, who, how not you know what prefers your child, and it means that it will not remain hungry, as it happens in the case of a standard menu when it is served on the table what your Baby does not eat. The sanatorium itself is located five minutes walk from the new Bureau and minutes of ten from the central, where the main number of tourists goes.

Where is the best way to stay in Truskavets? 4673_7

The road passes through a beautiful park area, where you can pass the dogs and squirrels along the way. In a word, rest in Truskavets will not only go to health, but will add a lot of energy and positive emotions for a long period.

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