When is it better to rest on Capri?


Capri Island is a fairly interesting and attractive place for tourists at any time of the year. There are not few things that attract exactly the winter period, since at this time there is no such rush and the bustle of which is accompanied by the summer season, when the number of tourists is quite large. Of course, the temperature of the water in the sea does not quite have it for swimming unreasonable people and is located in the area + 15 + 17 degrees, but it is precisely this time is considered the best for rest of the body, and the main soul. Asking the question to tourists who come to relax in winter, why the choice fell for this period, many answered that they came to give a rest to the brain. Perhaps they are in this and right, I can not say anything, because in the winter himself rest in the turbulent countries. We like themselves in Antalya and in winter we have the weather in about as in Capri, maybe even a little warmer.

When is it better to rest on Capri? 4660_1

If we talk about the beginning of the summer beach season, then in Capri, it usually begins with the middle of May, although it is worth noting that the water temperature in the sea is still quite cool at this time and not only in May, but also in June. Suitable for swimming water is only closer to July. Therefore, lovers of long stay in the sea this fact should take into account. There may also be rains that come in May, not often, but it happens. However, the advantage of the initial months of the season is the low cost of the tickets, or accommodation in the case of independent tourism.

The most visited months for Capri are July, August and the first half of September. The air temperature at this time is high enough, and as for August, it can even be said that too high, and it does not rarely translate for +40. But it is in August and the temperature of the water in the sea comes to its maximum and sometimes in the area + 27 + 28 degrees. Who does not confuse such temperature regime of water and air, can safely go on the road.

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As for the most comfortable period for recreation, in my opinion it is best suited September. The day there is no longer that baked, the evenings are pretty warm, and the water temperature in the sea is on average at +25 degrees. Walking along the sights of the island is also easier tolerated at this time. For recreation with children, this time seems to me the best, according to the above reasons, of course, if your children are not school age, who in September have already been occupied at school.

Again, you can save on the price of a ticket or accommodation in October. This month is still quite suitable for a beach holiday, the air temperature is quite appropriate, and the water in the sea has not yet had time to cool and keeps within + 22 + 23 degrees. Tourists by this time is no longer so much and this is noticeable for the presence of free places in hotels, and on the beaches are not so crowded. But unfortunately in October it may spoil the rest of the rain, the probability of which is quite real. True, this is not a long shower that happens in the winter and even if it rained, then after it the weather is rapidly restored and warm again. It is difficult to guess with the weather, for example, last October was quite sunny and for the whole month the rains were only a few days.

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In a word, everyone selects a more appropriate option for themselves and the period for rest and here to advise something or certainly not worth it, because of this I told about what the weather can be expected in a particular period, but the choice is yours.

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