What currency is better to take with you to Kirish?


If you are going for the first time to come to your holiday in Kirish, and even more so if this is your first trip to Turkey, it will undoubtedly be able to make a question about choosing a currency that best take with me so that there are no problems with the exchange of it on Turkish lira in the future or In stores committing various purchases. Immediately want to warn everyone that there are no commercial exchange points in Kiris in Kirome, which is located in seven kilometers and where you can get to a taxi, as well as on the route bus (Dolmushe) Kemer Kirish, which runs every fifteen minutes and cost Drive is three liras or two dollars (more than four lira are released in Turkish currency). This is for this reason, and not only, it is more profitable to change part of the money on Turkish lira, which will help you not to save badly.

What currency is better to take with you to Kirish? 4648_1

If it does not bother you, then, in principle, in Kirish stores, any popular currency can be calculated. Of course, it is best to pay dollars, the main price tags are focused on this currency. When buying goods, the price of which is written in Turkish lies, as is mainly on the product products in food markets or in some pharmacies, no one will give you to dollars to the dollars, at best, you will get Turkish trifles, but usually rounded To your side. Tourists from the European Union countries are almost all calculated for the euro, with the exception of the British who prefer their pounds sterling. In the euro, you can already count on surrendering in cents, although not always. Some experienced European tourists (for the most part Germans and Romanians) are calculated by the Turkish lips. The Germans are economical people and know how and what can be done, and in Turkish lies they are more pleasant to bargain, you can bar on the maximum. Also in almost all stores you can buy goods for Russian rubles, but I want to warn that the course may not be quite profitable. For example last season, when the ruble rate to the dollar in Russia was around 33, in Kirish stores could recalculate 34-35 per dollar. This is because the seller handing over rubles, gets Turkish lira, and then buy dollars for them. Accordingly, on such a double exchange, some money is lost, so to get the right amount in dollars, rubles are considered with a small margin. In principle, the ruble and in the exchange office of Kemer is also not such a favorable course, so it is desirable to take the US dollars to Kirish to take with them.

What currency is better to take with you to Kirish? 4648_2

There is another option is the purchase of a Turkish lyra at home. For example, I want to say that at the airport of Chisinau, I bought the Turkish lira several times and compared with the course, which was at that time in Turkey itself on the US dollar, I saved every hundred from three to five dollars. So you can also take a note for yourself, the main thing is to compare currency rates via the Internet.

As for the most favorable course, of course it will be better in Antalya, where, compared to Kemer, more exchange offices and branches of banks in which there are exchangers. But it is certainly worth doing only if the amount for the exchange may be significant or you just find yourself in Antalya on one of the excursions or making shopping, which is the most attractive and diverse.

The exchange offices of Kemer usually work with nine-ten in the morning until midnight. At the end of the season, the ticket office closes earlier and as a rule by ten in the evening an open exchanger is hard to find hard. In Antalya, the schedule is about the same, with the exception of branches of banks that are closed much earlier, and on weekends and are closed at all.

If there is a plastic bank card, in many stores Kirisha can be calculated for the purchased goods by them.

What currency is better to take with you to Kirish? 4648_3

As a last resort, on the streets in the area of ​​Akka Alinda, Seker Resort, Le Jardin and PGS World Palace are ATMs in which cash from the score can be removed. On against the Seker Resort, there is Denizbank ATM, which collaborates with Sberbank of Russia and the owners of this bank's card holders can withdraw cash from their account without additional commissions.

What currency is better to take with you to Kirish? 4648_4

Getting cash is possible both in Turkish lies and in another currency, but mainly in US dollars and euros. Here is the principle of all the information that you can come in handy and save additionally part of the money during your holiday in Kirish.

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