What can I buy in Phnom Penh?


Phnom Penh cannot be called the capital of the shopping and to the world famous for the whole world, Dubai and Hong Kong, it is very far away, but nevertheless, since it was in the capital of the kingdom, it is impossible to refuse to go through shops and markets. By the way, about the latter. There are many of them in the Phnompene, but the most famous and large two: Central and Russian. The latter got its name in those days when the USSR took an active part in life, then the Kampuchei, and Embassy staff and employees from the Soviet Union sent in the framework of the construction of communism in the country of Khmer, were among the most frequent guests in the market. The range on both markets is almost the same.

Russian market

What can I buy in Phnom Penh? 4632_1

Central, this is the largest market, and you can buy almost everything from clothes, ending with precious stones, which, by the way, makes sense to acquire. Yes, prices are slightly higher than in Sri Lanka, where the people buy all the wholesale in a diamond fever, but compared with Russian, they are just funny. Budget prices here and on gold jewels, what they do right right there on the market. And even if you do not plan to buy anything, it's just interesting to look at it. Go, you will not regret. In addition to the jewels, the famous Cambodian silk of the highest quality (scarves, shawls, underwear, and so on) is sold on the market (scarves, shawls, underwear, and the real hand Made, which will serve for a long time. About souvenirs and other crafts, do not even talk, all this is in the market in the chic assortment.

Central market

What can I buy in Phnom Penh? 4632_2

Another type of goods to which makes sense to look around, is clothes. In Cambodia, the production of such brands known in the world, like: Calvin Klein, Levi's, Ralph Lauren and others. And naturally, the products of these factories are far from all goes to import, but also sold in the local market at very interesting prices, and if you find some completely minor defect at the thing, then you can buy it with a practically for nothing.

Do you need to bargain? Well, probably needed, but I never knew how to do this, but in Phnom Penh, I also didn't want to do this, well, just that the smallest. Cause? Low prices. True bargaining is appropriate, only in the market.

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