Halkidiki: Pines, Cats and "Glass" Water


The first time in Greece had a chance to visit, of course, on Chalkidiki. There was little time to think about the collection of information, too, the experience of visiting the country - no, therefore happily agreed to the Cassandra replied. Who does not know - this is the left finger. Moreover, the spouse principally wanted to be closer to civilization. I was afraid to get bored. The trip fell at the very end of August - the beginning of September. Right under the closure of the season. By the way, many hotels at this point have already been "melted." The people, of course, were a bit, even for Cassandra (I then check out the popularity of the direction), and the further south of the finger - the less.

Prices, they say, also slept a little in the shops and shops. The sea was completely warm, sometimes - like the most pair of milk. Ah, this is the sea ... Western Europe nearly stood. Water color is extraordinary, especially if you look with an elevation. The transparency is perfect, so to speak, "island". The bottom can be seen both through the crystal-clean glass, each pebble, despite the depth of meters in 5-7, from that there is a deceptive feeling that you swim in shallow water. Fish float gray, slightly plug over his feet. Coast Kassandra near the hotel:

Halkidiki: Pines, Cats and

In wild places, for example, on the uninhabited beach of Sithonia, it was possible to watch the underwater world of the Aegean Sea in all its glory: asterisks, hedgehogs, corals, some kind of tentacles, incomprehensible animals adhering to stones on the shore. I had to choose a place where to put the leg to be inadvertently on someone did not step. Sithonia Shore:

Halkidiki: Pines, Cats and

But the weather was ambiguous. In the afternoon it was always sunny, I can't remember rain, clouds were a couple of times. Mostly 28-30 degrees. I could even overheat on the beach. Some strong wind here, too, as such, there is no location. But evenings were cool: dressed jeans, sneakers, windbreakers. Maybe this is the norm here in September. Although the local said that a couple of days before our arrival there was a heat of 35-38 degrees. I don't need it, but I would like to warm the night.

To our arrival, all the fuss ended, local clubs were planted, it was quiet and calm. We were entertained by sea, rare excursions (meteors, thessaloniki), a trip to the ship along the shore and walks to the neighboring calife. In this town we went mainly for the products in the supermarket, which is located at the Far End of Califia, and souvenirs. Wine, yogurt, fruit bought in the supermarket. So it was 1.5 times cheaper than next to the hotel. The village is full of taverns and apartments, everything is clearly sharpened for tourism. In the shops sell wine, metaxis, homemade candles, oil, vases and beach trash (towels, shale, swimsuits). I saw there cars rental cars, large and scooters. Cute place, clean, well maintained: All white houses, with red roofs. I do not know how in season, but in early September was a few. Under the mountain by the sea there are also hotels, beaches.

Halkidiki: Pines, Cats and

Very impressive old olives that grow on the territory of almost every hotel. The Greeks have a special attitude to these trees. They care about them, it is secure, guarded.

Well, the ubiquitous cats in the wrong "drunk" strip. Interestingly, do anyone feed them, except for tourists?

Many things I associate with flavors. So Cassandra was remembered by an unreal mixture of flavors of needles, sea and meter hotel roses. Only for this already want to return again.

From the negative: for me so trash. No, I do not compare with Russia. But after Italy and Spain rubbish in the bushes, on the roads rushing into the eyes. On the beaches it would be also more deals to get used. Or just do not sift. But do not litter the Greeks, apparently, are not accustomed.

The impression was still the impression that this is a very lazy and a non-historical nation. Do not flink yet - you will not wait anything. It became clear on the passport control on arrival. Universal pofigism takes place to be.

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