When is it better to relax in Cagliari?


In Cagliari, tourists can be found at any time of the year, but if we talk about the beach season in this city, and in general on Sardinia, then usually suitable weather starts from late April. The sea of ​​truth at this time has not yet heard, but the air temperatures are already high enough. If you are going to go through the way, then in the period from the end of April to the first half of June, you can save significantly at the price. Traveling independently at this time you can also pick up a cheapest accommodation option, as there are still not so many tourists enough and free places. The biggest influx of tourists is observed in the period of July-August months.

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Prices at this time rise, although in my opinion on Sardinia it is better to rest in the second half of September. The sea at this time is quite warm, the day is not so hot and the evenings are quite comfortable for walking and enjoying time in one of numerous restaurants. This is the perfect period for recreation with children of preschool age, firstly due to the comfortable water temperature of the sea and air, as well as the fact that schoolchildren are already learning, on the beaches and in hotels is quite calm and not so noisy. Also, in order to save it, you can travel from late September to the beginning of November. At this time, prices are also lowered, as the number of tourists is significantly reduced. Resting is good enough, the air temperature is still quite high, though the sea is no longer more + 22 + 24, and there are small rains. Excursions more comfortably attend when there is no heat, as in August, when you constantly have to look for a shadow and take with you a large supply of drinking water. At this time, you do not think about the most excursion and visited attractions, but how faster finding the room with air conditioning or a cool pool.

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Evenings are also cool enough, more precisely not for walks in shorts and a T-shirt, although some tourists do not scare it and they continue the evening walks in easy clothing, causing surprise of local residents who are already warm enough at that time. If you are a swimming amateur in a warm sea, then you should come in August when the water temperature is free to a maximum, but as for me personally, then during maximum daytime temperatures, when the thermometer does not rarely show more than forty degrees, bathing in warm water, My gaze, great relief also does not bring. Honestly, I can not understand why in the period of maximum temperatures the number of tourists is also the maximum. In my opinion, this is from the fact that for the very part of these tourists who came to the work for the first time in places with such a hot climate, and before that resting in Black Sea resorts or others with the same moderate temperatures, where July-August is considered the best option.

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In any case, the period and time of rest in Sardinia, and specifically, in Cagliari, everyone must choose himself on the basis of preferences, and sometimes because of the possibilities, both financial and free time, because it does not always depend on us. I think that you will be satisfied with the visit of the beautiful and fabulous island. Enjoy your holiday !!!

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