What should you expect from rest in Kenya?


Kenya is a very interesting and exotic country, it is in Africa at the equator. The weak popularity of it is connected with the fact that it is little known in the tourist market, also to reach it it is worth spending not enough money and time, there are no direct flights there. Citizens from Russia if they go to Kenya, then usually independently, not referring to the help of tour operators.

Myths of rest in Kenya.

1. There is a terrible heat - in fact it is not so, the average temperature is about +26. The best time to visit Kenya from August to April, then the rainy season begins, and in July it is even somewhat cool. So, as you can see the unscrewing heat there does not happen, as the majority thinks.

2. Kenya is poverty and dirt. Of course, this country is very poor, but it is safe for tourists. On the contrary, they are very loved here. It is worth visiting the capital Nairobi and understand how well we live, this contrast is very useful. Perhaps not everyone is interesting to see the life of local residents, you can settle in a good five-star hotel, take excursions and not to concern the part of Kenya.

3. Kenya is not safe from the point of view of all sorts of tropical diseases. The main danger for tourists is yellow fever and malaria. However, as statistics show, cases of infection with these diseases are very rare, and the yellow fever was last fixed as much as 10 years ago. Particularly scrupulous, can make vaccinations and be calm, although there is no such need.

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Local residents of Kenya

What can please Kenya tourists.

1. Beach Holidays on the Indian Ocean Here there are a lot of beautiful places where you can swim.

2. Tourists will get acquainted with the present safari . Ideally, a time to get acquainted with local wildlife needs at least 3 days, someone gets great pleasure from it and devotes safari all their vacation. What is Safari? This is a very exciting joy on the jeep, from which you can watch your eyes for the life of animals in their natural environment, get acquainted closer with the rhino, elephant, leopard, panther, buffaloes and other inhabitants. With children, such trips are better not to do, because children are very impressionable, and during such a trip you can see with your own eyes, as a predator caught up with his sacrifice and happily rummates with his freshly dinner. During such a trip, you should take wet wipes with you, a gauze bandage, because the trip is to be in bad roads, at least dust in the face will fly often.

Safari begins early in the morning and continues until noon, then the stop is made to eat, rest. And again on the road until the evening. Overnights occur in good comfortable hotels with air conditioning, you can forget where you are.

The most famous national park for such safari trips is Masai Maro.

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Safari - rhinos

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Safari - buffaloes

3. You can see with your own eyes stunning Lake - Million Flamingo.

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Lake, where a huge number of flamingos

four. Mount Kilimanjaro

five. Get acquainted with the life of a local tribe In the village of Masaev. It is worth seeing to see, people live as well as in primitive times, without using all the discoveries and benefits of civilization.

6. You can settle in hotels with direct access to the water where local animals come on water. The staff joyfully calls the bell, as soon as someone from the animal world came here. Therefore, you do not need to make a guard specifically. The hotels themselves are very comfortable, there are all the conditions for good and high-quality rest. The staff is always smiling. The only nuance is their natural slowness, but usually you get used to you - after all, you are on vacation.

Nuances associated with beach holidays.

1. Forget about direct sunbathing, because you will be at the same Equator, burn in a moment.

2. Swim in the ocean stands in a special shoe, a large number of sea echoes live here, you will easily come to them, which is extremely unpleasant.

As you can see a lot of positive moments on a trip to Kenya, it is truly interesting, fascinating, you can make many memorable pictures. Do not think that there is a solid exotic and wild animals. In Kenya, as everywhere there is its own tourist infrastructure with restaurants, cafes, bars and discos. You definitely do not bother!

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