Shatsk - Beautiful nature and wonderful people


In Shatsk, I arrived from Covel on a minibus. It is on the international excellent Warsaw highway, and in the town of Lomomloms near the Polish border turns to the north, in Storou of Belarus.

The town is known primarily by Shazy Lakes, the nearest of which is Lucimer.

Here everything is focused primarily on tourists and holidaymakers. Mass of hotels in different taste and wallet, many souvenir and grocery stores.

Then hitchhiking along the path through the forest I went to Svityaz - a village near the largest lake of Ukraine. From the ball - kilometers 10-15, no more. Relax here is also not a problem - almost every house - an advertisement about the delivery of housing. Well, we have found an approach to water and fucked up with pleasure (despite September, it was not particularly cold).

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And here there is an ancient temple.

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Back to Kovel I drove hitchhiking on three cars, transplancing in Svityaz and Lomomla.

Shatsky lakes are a great option of rest. Here it is clean, cozy, the prices are lower than in the Crimea and there are no hundreds of Soviet bases back to each other with traps and drunk. And people are wonderful.

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