Useful information about the rest in Cyprus.


The trip abroad is always a bright and unusual event in the life of each tourist. In order for the voyage to be successful in all aspects, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with all the nuances that are found in the cherished country. After all, leaving his native land, the traveler automatically turns out to be in the territory, where his laws reigns, and what is known, the ignorance of these laws from responsibility has not yet freed anyone. That is why, quite by the way there will be information about those facts whose knowledge will be useful in Cyprus.

So, the first thing will understand the main issues that affect the traditions and culture of Cypriots. In connection with his geographical position, the island could not remain without cultural infringement by Europe, Africa, Asia. But despite this, still a certain raisin remained, which makes Cyprus unique than the locals are very proud of. Greek language is state. Interesting is the fact that the island is inexplicated in two parts. The first part is the Northern Cyprus, where the Turks live. They even proclaimed the Turkish republic, but no country of the world recognized her. Muslim traditions reign there, the influence of the East is feeling. The resort infrastructure here is a little developed.

The second part is South, where the Greeks live, who, in turn, care about the preservation of their own Greek customs. The locals are conservative in many matters, strictly belong to the female sex, believe that the main task of the girl to raise the younger generation and keep a family hearth. Surprisingly, but on the island there are separate coffee shops, the entrance to which is allowed only to men. For our time, this is a very unusual moment, but all the inhabitants with deep respect do these traditions.

In most cases, the Greeks are Orthodox, so you celebrate all religious holidays with a special trepidation. Always celebrate with some interesting rite. For example, the huge bonfire is taken on Easter, in which people burn past sins and a figurine of Judas. (in the photo) After night service follows a series of congratulations with the words "Christ's Christ!" and endless salute and Petard salts.

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Also next to Orthodox adjacent to the ancient pagan rites. On January 6, the Greeks were made on the binding of the Greeks, it was customary to prepare fried carps with honey, and in front of the trapese owner, in order to draw perfumes, should throw a couple of pieces of fragrant dishes on the roof of her house. Cypriots love to relax and have fun, despite all their rigor. During the year, residents arrange a lot of festivals. Each resort has its own month for celebrations, so we can safely say that holidays here last year.

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It is important to remember that going on a tour to the church or the monastery it is necessary to observe a modest and decent dress code. Women must in such places take a handkerchief to cover the head. If the church is closed, but you still let you see, then it will be by the way to leave a donation to the temple. In museums in Cyprus, it is not allowed to take pictures and shoot on the camera without prior permission in writing. Places of archaeological excavations this rule does not concern. If you wish, imprinted the local resident's memory, you must first ask him permission. And if you talk that, he will invite a drink a glass of wine or a cup of coffee, then it is not accepted here. Also, Siesta is also observed in the period from May to September. Due to the high temperatures, many places rest with an hour to four days.

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Now a little about what you should not do on the island.

  • Cypriots are large patriots, so they do not like when they affect the topic of occupation. It is better to miss this topic in conversation and talk about more detached things. Also, we should not wear a Turkish symbolism, sympathize with the Turks, joke about the local conflict, otherwise the Greeks will not be reached.
  • You can go to the beach in any convenient attire, the only thing that in connection with conservatism and high moral implications is not very customary to appear in thongs. Regarding the sunbathing topless - the question is ambiguous. Again, it is worth remembering that people here are honored morality and decency before nude. Although you won't say a word to you, but it is clearly defiant to look like this, because no one makes such a thing. With appearances in the city, it is worth abandoning the beach apparel and get into comfortable summer clothes. Thus, you will show respect for the people around. Caller outfits here can be perceived as a hint of you, so do not be surprised if unambiguous offers from the opposite sex will be received.
  • Do not touch the cacti bare hands, to break fruit in stores you can buy special devices for this case.
  • In Cyprus, a stressful situation with fresh water, so try not to leave the water turned on without necessary.
  • You should not neglect the rules of the road, in particular, if you have forgotten the safety belt in a taxi, then the fine will have to pay from your own pocket.
  • Do not take pictures of military, military bases and adjacent territories.

Next, many are interested question of pure medical direction , namely about vaccinations. After all, before traveling to many countries, this procedure is simply necessary for your own good. So in Cyprus hazardous infectious diseases were not found, so do not need special vaccinations before the tour.

Many cares about Cases with criminal atmosphere On this paradise island. So I can assure that according to the latest data, this resort is one of the safest - only about 4,000 crimes are recorded a year. But forget about the vigilance, but it is not worth it, and important things are better to store in the hotel safe. Police respectfully to each tourist, which, in turn, refers to the laws and customs of the island. Cypriots are also very rosy to meet travelers, are always ready to help or suggest the necessary information.

And one more important point that Cannot be taken out of the island . The objects-tabu include things found at the bottom of the sea, antiquities, stones with excavations. Copies of the ancient work is allowed to be exported under the guise of souvenir products.

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