Chernigov - Very ancient city


In Chernigov, I arrived from the Uzhin on the train and spent the whole day here. I joked in the recreation room at the station - it is inexpensive.

The mention of Chernigov can be found in the ancient chronicles. This is noticeable in the city. There is something to see. Several large, well-restored monasteries, where pilgrims come not only from Ukraine, but also from the nearest countries (there are a lot of old churches from the nearby and Gomel region at all near the city), many vintage churches.

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Viva (male) - historical territory in the center.

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And what panoramas gums from one of the bridges!

Of course, the city is not all like a museum - there are modern supermarkets, and new buildings, and everything that is inherent in the usual city today.

In general, the town is good. Old, small, cozy. It is a pity that because of the proximity to the capital (130 km, and minibuses dangle from morning to evening) many residents have already left in search of the best destiny.

Resting here inexpensive. And if you want to leave a noisy megalopolis and touch the ancient Slavic culture, then Chernigov is a great choice.

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