What currency is better to take with you in Kyreno?


The resort of Kyrenia is located on the territory of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and since this territory is controlled by Turkey, then the monetary unit that is used in this part of the island is the Turkish Lira.

What currency is better to take with you in Kyreno? 4567_1

Arriving on vacation in Kyreno, there is no special difference, what currency is better to take with you. In exchange offices, the main currencies for the exchange are US dollars, euros, pounds sterling and Russian rubles. But if you have the opportunity to choose a currency, it is best to take with you American dollars. Change the rubles is not problems, but the exchange rate will be not very profitable. If you can buy a Turkish liru in my homeland, then compare the course of you and in Turkey. It came across that buying lira in my homeland was more profitable than to change dollars in Turkey on the Lyra.

What currency is better to take with you in Kyreno? 4567_2

Exchange currency in both private exchange offices and in branches of banks. Usually in bank branches, the course is a bit better than private, but not always, and the schedule of banks is significantly less. In different exchanges, the course may have a small difference, so before changing the money, take care of that exchanger, where the best course will be. The operation time of exchange points usually varies from 9.00 to 19.00, but if this is not a private box office, but the bank's separation, then the schedule can be from 10.00 to 16.00 with a break for lunch and weekends. If you are the owner of a plastic bank card, then in almost all stores it is possible to produce cashless payments.

What currency is better to take with you in Kyreno? 4567_3

The exception can be small shopping shops and bazaars. In this case, the card can be removed in one of the ATMs. Cashing is carried out in Turkish lyters or in currency. As well as in Turkey, in Northern Cyprus there are ATMs of Sberbank of Russia, that is, if there is a card of this bank, you can make money without paying an additional commission.

What currency is better to take with you in Kyreno? 4567_4

Why is it more profitable to change the currency on the Turkish Learur? This is due to the fact that for example in food stores or in public transport, as in a taxi, the calculation is carried out by Turkish lira. Of course, the dollars are all taking, but no one will pass the surrender in the cents, so the amount will be rounded and not in your favor. Savings can be quite significant. And one more small advice. When calculating the Turkish lips, check the correctness of the delivery, as some sellers use the fact that tourists cannot immediately navigate with an unfamiliar and new money for them and often give out of delivery, and always not your favor, and when the disclosure of this fact, write off everything For a random error, so be vigilant and turn your brain calculator.

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