What to take with you to India?


So, you decided to "conquer India" and wondered: what is just necessary to take with you? First of all take care About a first-aid kit . Remember that in other countries the usual medicines often pass under other names, and therefore to buy the necessary drugs "there" you will have to know the required names of Latin. Antiseptics, gastrointestinal preparations, headaches, Coldrex (or something like that), coal, plaster, bandage, disinfectants and antiallergic drugs. Consider necessary. I highly recommend Acerbin, who disinfects and speeds up healing wounds, from which no one is insured. I am very advised to acquire antiseptic gels for hands and for feet and every morning (and in the evening) to handle the limbs before going outside. It will not be superfluous to pour an antiseptic liquid soap in a small bottle and carry this bottle with you everywhere, as well as a small napkin for wiping hands. The fact is that the hands you have to wash 120 times on the day (i.e., at every convenient case), in order not to pick up some rubbish, and in no trains, nor in the Eino of India, it is simply not accepted.

Waist bag - The thing is very useful. Take with you the one that you can fasten with your jeans with huge pins (required!), That is, no modern versions are not appropriate here. With special belts / belts with a zipper from the inside for storing money, we did not take advantage of it, although they had. Much more reliable and comfortable turned out to be Chest wallets in which we wore with them and money and documents. Such pockets on the lace are easily cleaned under the clothes and do not deliver any inconvenience. Cycling locks are very relevant, with the help of which you will fasten your belongings (big and small backpacks) at least to the post, at least to the rack, even to something inpatient and in transport, and in hotels, and at the station, and in Trains / buses and airports. Only in this case can you be sure that your things will not "run away" for those one and a half seconds that you turned away from them.

Headdress (Bandana, baseball cap, etc.) You also need you, perhaps, even if you usually wear it. In India, there are many monkeys that are on a par with cows and snakes, are sacred animals, that is, they walk on themselves and do what they want. Monkey - the creature is active, mobile and unpredictable, but because it will take care of the head when she is in a flock (there are many such places), and you pass by, God knows one. At least if your head is covered, she will not climb into your hair for sure. In general, in order to go about your safety (too listen to the "old tramp"))))) Never meet with a monkey look. If your eyes are emerging, she (with very high probability) will go to the attack. And if at the moment she is in a flock, then you believe me, do not drink.

We took small Thermoses, Dulely Cups , as well as Fork-spoon (tourist set).

What to take with you to India? 4545_1

Keep in mind that in almost all hotels and ges of India, it is not customary to change the bed linen after guests, if it is not frankly black from the dirt, and therefore its own sheet and the pillowcase in the backpack will not be unnecessary. Is it worth talking about towels? .. in my opinion, no. We still had light flies of capes, which we said a million times "Thank you." They twist into a compact tube and do not take much space.

Now On the means of combating mosquitoes And other annility. Our Rapid Raptor does not work. The best solution is spirals that can be purchased now everywhere. From my experience: if in your room you will find a lizard (or even a few), rejoice and invite her to come to visit you more often. Lizards feed on the insects that are not desirable for you, and therefore it will be a cute animal for you to be saved. Extremely desirable lantern, candle, matches, knife, scissors.

Two words about matches . If you follow the flights inside the country, remove the matches into the luggage and pass, and forget about the lighters at all: it is categorically (!) On Indian Airlines (!) It is prohibited for transporting lighters. Even in baggage. Well, that's the same with them. This is not a joke, you will turn up the bottom of your luggage bag at the entrance to the airport until they are uncovered from it all detected when scanning lighters. Moreover, you even push your finger in what corners of the bags you are the same lighters have been hungry.

Now clothes . Remember that in all the Indian temples you will enter barefoot, only some will allow you to enter socks. Those very socks wash after not real. Clothes do not need a lot. A pair of t-shirts, breeches, jeans, jacket, sports suit will be needed. T-shirts and shorts you can wear only in resort states - Goa or Kerala. For all the rest of India, they forget about these attributes of the holiday, even if it is +40. In January and the first half of February in Delhi and the surroundings are unbearably cold (0 - +5 with ice wind, and therefore take care of the warm things in which you are likely to even sleep. Also cold during these months in all Central and North India. . If your path will lie through Delhi, then in any pharmacy (!) Cities buy Tide soap. Not powder, but soap! Then the question with the washing of your ammunition will be solved. A strange thing, this soap can only be bought in Delhi. We walked around The country was not able to find it for two months and no longer in the same city of India, and therefore it was extremely regretted that they did not make a stock in the capital.

Now footwear . Sneakers, tourist sandals with a clagging and slab are needed. Shalants are not relevant, except that only at sea. In the store "Sportmaster" we bought, so-called "Sidushka" - fastening lining under the ass.

What to take with you to India? 4545_2

Very necessary thing, the price of which is 100 rubles. Whenever you have to sit on the ground, asphalt, stones, on an ice stone bench in some temple, on the floor on the bus or at the station (what will have - 100%, because The legs will muck from fatigue, and nowhere else is now), you will remember me with a good word.

More advice. Take with you Antibacterial wet wipes (We have been treated by the edges of the dishes, in which we brought food / drink in ethny), wet wipes for hand and wet toilet paper (very necessary thing, I will tell you). Everything else, perhaps, refers to the category of your individual conventional travel set. Those things like gels for the soul, shampoos and creams you can easily buy on the spot, unless you are brought into a coop of the type of palette or ranachpur, as it happened to us. By the way, both places named I relate to the list of the most beautiful in India, but ... there is no civilization, there is nothing but unique temples and hopeless dirt, and the path we did to get there (even worse - get out from there) , I will not even wish the enemy.

Of course, many of my advice and edification can be missed those who stop in 5-star and boutique hotels. Nevertheless, some moments of my opus will be useful to them. Happy way to you.

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