What should you expect from rest in Delhi?


Delhi generally left some strange impression.

What should you expect from rest in Delhi? 4537_1

On the one hand, the creation of the greatest historical objects and cultural monuments, and on the other hand, the reluctance to perceive reality. I can't say that I liked Delhi. Not. He somehow pressed onto the brains and on the psyche, although I can't say anything wrong about him. It was here that we had the first gloomy thoughts that we were mistaken in the choice of the country for wintering that we could not withstand here 2 months. Yes, we are sinny, we puzzled. We felt emotional fatigue and optimism somehow dubbed. Maybe because of the endless cold and disembarrassing attempts to warm up, maybe due to the fact that it was the first city in our big Indian journey, but I thank God, these thoughts disappeared as soon as we left Delhi and did not visit us anymore . Cows we did not see here, the beggars were also not particularly given, but people living outside - more than enough. They are bile, hide fires to warm up, they do not particularly annoy.

What should you expect from rest in Delhi? 4537_2

Delhi is self-governing territory and is not part of other states. This is one of the largest cities in India with a developed infrastructure, a metropolis with a population that has over 13 million. Scientists argue that this territory is constantly inhabited for five thousand years and has at least 8 cities of different rulers. Delhi is divided into two parts: OLD Delhi and New Delhi. Old Delhi (Shahjakhanabad) was founded in 1639 by Shazhanom. The new Delhi was built by British: In December 1911, on the site of the St. Stephen College near the University of Delhius, the first stone of the new capital of the British Empire, which was conceived as a garden-garden, was laid at the Saint Stephen College. The British believed that they came here for centuries. Construction, started in 1912, stretched out over the First World War, for 18 years, and after 18 years, Delhi became the capital of independent India. Delhi, being an interesting city with a thousand-year history and culture, has an indispensable number of temples, tombs, monuments and unique attractions and at first visiting shocks almost every traveler. It was here that I realized that I was interested in architecture, interesting inlaid and stone carving. I am interested in those places that I know something. It was here that I suddenly felt the incredible attractiveness of forts. I am struck by the fantastic fortune, later with such a way we will face in the territory of almost all architectural structures in India with a rare exception. And more palm trees, it is difficult to believe that they are real. Imagine a lamppost (they are perfectly smooth and smooth), and at the very top you stick a chic "horse tail" from palm leaves. Amazingly and incredibly beautiful.

What should you expect from rest in Delhi? 4537_3

But nevertheless, Delhi did not hook. Unfortunately no. Not fate can be seen.

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