What is worth viewing in Tartu?


Tartu is the oldest, the second largest in the country, and the third city, where I visited the memories of the wedding travel of my parents. A large number of architectural and historical monuments are concentrated in Tartu, so it is worth paying a few hours to inspect the main attractions.

Thanks to the famous Tartu University, which is the very first university of Northern Europe, the city of Tartu is often called the city of students. The most famous building of the university is the main building in which the Museum of Art is now. By the way, in the museum you can not only inspect the exhibits, but also you can try to write a vase itself or make a sculpture.

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Another attraction of University - Tommeyaga Hill, which is translated from Estonian as a house mountain. This territory was a gift to the university from Paul's first. On the territory of the park, many different monuments and buildings representing architectural and historical value: Angel and damn bridges, old anatomykum, observatory.

Angelic bridge was built in the 19th century. On the bridge there is an unusual inscription Otium Reficit Vires - rest restores forces.

The bridge was built in 1913, to the 300th anniversary of the anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.

The Tartu Observatory was built in 1810. All devices that were used from that time to study the sky are preserved to this day. They can be found at the museum located in the eastern hall of the observatory.

In addition, there is a sacrificial stone in the park, which has been preserved from ancient times. Most likely, different cult events arranged here. The sacrificial stone is located on the site of the pond, which was here until the beginning of the last century. About it reminds the bridge of sighs, which leads to a slide of kisses - the most favorite place of walks of couples in love.

The Botanical Garden of the University of Tartu, founded in 1803 - a beautiful place in Tartu, and one of the old botanical gardens in the world. Plants in the park grow separately class from class. On the right - one-bedroom, and before palm greenhouse - dicotyledonous.

Most of the garden occupies a park, which is divided into European, East Asian and North American. In a palm grove - 58 species of palm trees, in the orangeness of succulents - a large number of different cacti, in a subtropical greenhouse - plants brought from Japan, Australia, America and other countries.

Works Botanical Garden daily from 07:00 to 19:00. The entrance - 2 euros, for children, students and pensioners are provided benefits.

Tartu Town Hall is located in the city center. This is one of the main symbols of the city of Tartu. Every day at 12:01, 18:01 and 21:01 you can hear music that comes from the clock on the Town Hall Tower.

Town Hall area is built in classic style. The main decoration and symbol of the area is the fountain kissing students.

The church of the immaculate conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Virgin Mary is a Catholic temple, built in 1862.

Tartu Jaanovskaya Church is an architecture monument.

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The church is decorated with terracotta products. She collapsed very many times, and he was rejected again. In 2005, it was completely renovated.

In the city center there is a house von Boca, which cannot be passed by. The house belonged to Colonel M.Yy. Blue background, and in 1839 he acquired the University of Tartu. On the wall from the Town Hall Square, a wall pattern is seen, which shows the main building of the university. On the other wall - a photo exhibition with photos of teachers and professors of the university.

In the Museum of Starovover, Kolkia can be familiar with the items and traditional clothing of the Old Believers, as well as tools, needlework, photographs, books, etc.

The entry cost for adults is 2 euros. For children and students - benefits.

And one more unusual place is a toy museum.

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The collection of the museum has more than 6,000 toys and dolls. There is a children's playroom, a skill room. On the territory of the museum of toys there is a theatrical house where you can see all kinds of performances. Works museum from Wednesday on Sunday from 11:00 to 18:00. The entrance to the adult will cost 5 euros, there are benefits to pensioners, children, students.

In general, Tartu is a very cozy town, beautiful at any time of the year, in which many cafes, restaurants and shops. It is worth a visit and this Estonian city, especially since the walk from the main attractions does not take as much time, as for example in the capital.

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