What currency is better to take with me to Konyaalti?


If you decide to spend your holiday in Antalya, or rather in her area of ​​Konyaalta, then you will certainly be the question of which money is better to come. In principle, the choice of currency is a big and special difference does not have, although of course, if you choose between rubles or US dollars, it is better to choose a dollar, since the ruble exchange rate is not so attractive. Immediately I want to warn all tourists who are going to come here for the first time. There are no exchange offices in Konyaalti at this time to change the money you will have to go to the center of Antalya, where the exchangers are quite large.

What currency is better to take with me to Konyaalti? 4498_1

A lot of time this will not take you, since on city transport to the center you can get through twenty minutes. It should be paid to the fact that the courses in different exchange points may differ slightly, so for starters, look a more attractive course, and then change. Typically, the time of operation of such exchangers begins with nine in the morning and to seven-eight in the evening. If this is a branch of one of the banks of Turkey, then the work schedule may be less, and on weekends such departments do not work at all. If necessary, urgently change the amount of money, the nearest and more convenient option can be the exchange office, which is located on the territory of the Migros 5m shopping center.

What currency is better to take with me to Konyaalti? 4498_2

By the way, in the same department there is a branch of Western Union and, if you wish, you can send money through this banking system of translations that you can get here. The main exchange currencies that are accepted in any exchanger are US dollars, euros, pounds sterling and rubles. There are branches where the choice of currency is wider. By the way, before being sent to the trip, look at the existence of the Turkish currency in the banks in your homeland, if any. Just from personal experience faced the fact that the course of the Turkish lyra to your currency can be very attractive. To do this, simply compare courses in Turkey and your currency exchange sites on the Internet.

In addition, you can use a bank card,

What currency is better to take with me to Konyaalti? 4498_3

Calculations on which are accepted in almost every store, with the exception of bazaars and small shopping beds. But in this case, you can cash the amount in one of the numerous ATMs located on the street. Cash issuance is made both in Turkish lies and in currency. By the way, there is also good news for owners of Sberbank Cards of Sberbank, the ATMs of this bank are also available, so that there will be no additional commission to remove you.

What currency is better to take with me to Konyaalti? 4498_4

I think that the information provided will be useful for you and there will be no problems in the process of rest.

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