What is the hotel to choose to relax in Ho Chi Minh City?


Ho Chi Minhine, this is the most industrial and noisy megalopolis of Vietnam, which, in many ways, the capital of the country - Hanoi largely exceeds the saturation of the entertainment and rhythm of life. The latter against the background of Ho Chi Minhina looks like a symbol of provincial and peaceful town. And in many respects, thanks to his drive, Ho Chi Minh attracts every year a huge number of tourists from all over the world. And each of the right tourists arises the question, and where to actually stop? Under the "right" tourists, I understand those who are going here on their own, and not overpays to travel agencies for those services that can be elementary to do.

There are no problems with accommodation in Saigon, there are many hotels in the city and they are constantly built. Various star star and level. True, it is worth noting that by virtue of some incomprehensible causes, very few hotels of Ho Chi Minhine are presented on the network, so that with booking hotels via the Internet, certain difficulties may arise, but this should not be scared. Upon arrival, if you do not get into one hotel, then you will definitely come to another, this is already a proven repeated fact. With regards to prices, they are interesting in Vietnamese. In the most fashionable hotels of Ho Chi Minhine, the price per day does not exceed $ 100, which, by the standards, the same Europe itself, is simply ridiculous, and accommodation in budget guest houses starts from the price of 5 dollars per day.

It is best to settle in the central district of Ben Thanh, this is a market area within walking distance from the main attractions of the city, such as the Basilica of Notre Dame and others, as well as entertainment establishments and large shopping centers (hi shopping lovers!). The place is crowded, a bit noisy, but we understand that they came to the island of Bounty. If Ho Chi Minimine is not the end point of your trip, then another plus of the market in the market, is the fact that it is from the neighboring streets that buses on Nha Trang, Hanoi or Phantet go. True, the price of accommodation in the area is higher than in others.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Ho Chi Minh City? 4494_1

If there is a desire to save, then you can consider the option of accommodation in the area of ​​the Fam NSU LAO, or as it is also called the area number 1. It is located 10-15 minutes walk from Ben Tana, hotels here are simpler, but also lower prices. It is not even necessary to seek anything. There is a tourist with a suitcase or a big bag, as the names of the hotel immediately spout to choose their hotel right away. The room for two per night in the area will cost an average of 15-20 dollars per night. In the first area, many nightclubs, cafes, bars and restaurants. Great place for active youth. However, do not forget that this area is considered very criminogenic. No, serious crimes here does not happen, but here's a small steam or fraud is not uncommon.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Ho Chi Minh City? 4494_2

The most elite area is the Japanese quarter. There are a lot of modern chic hotels. However, the district itself does not represent any interest for tourists, and it is not very convenient to get to the historic center.

A little about hotels tested on personal experience.

- Hotel Tan My Dinh 4 stars. The option is not the most budget, but pleasant. Located on the street running from Benthan to Fam Ngu lao. Clean rooms with excellent noise insulation and panoramic windows. Beautiful views of Saigon, truth, subject to placement on the upper floors.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Ho Chi Minh City? 4494_3

True, as I understood, there is not always space. But it seems to be booked in advance through Buking.

- Viktory Hotel on Vo Van Tan Street. Large clean numbers worth $ 50 per day on three. Within walking distance to the center, not far from the opera. A large plus hotel that you can book rooms in advance, right on the hotel's website. The site has an English-language version. The price includes breakfast. A separate bed for a child, which is very important for those who ride with children.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Ho Chi Minh City? 4494_4

- MINH KHANG Hotel. Located on the same street as Victoria Hotel. Good hotel with friendly staff. A typical number for two will cost $ 30. This price includes breakfast, tea and coffee in the room, free Wi-Fi internet.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Ho Chi Minh City? 4494_5

In general, as we see, there are no problems with accommodation in Ho Chi Minh City. We must go, walk, watch and get positive impressions.

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