The best excursions in Gurzuf.


Visiting Gurzuf, you can completely not worry about how to fill leisure. In addition to traditionally resort entertainment, monuments of history, architecture and art are concentrated here in huge numbers. Panoramic material about some of them is presented below.

Rock Jenvez-Kaya Of course, conditionally Gurzuf's attraction, as it is located on the territory of the Camp of Artek. It is noteworthy at least the fact that it creates a man-made tunnel, a depth of about 30 meters. It is believed that he was built in ancient times for defensive purposes, simultaneously with the fortress Gurzuvit. Currently, the exit from the tunnel is burned for security purposes. A long time ago, it was planned that from the cliff Jenvez to Adalar will be built a suspension bridge, but a bold project was never incarnated.

If you are quite prepared and can safely overcome an independent lift to the rock, you will find the ruins of the Gurzuviti fortress, which refers to the Byzantine period. In the XVEK, it was destroyed by the Turks, so that today it has been preserved from her a little: part of the defensive wall, the foundation of the Basilica in the Byzantine style, a rectangular tower, tunnel and some residential buildings.

Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin It was built at the end of the XIX century by Peter Ionovich Glavovy, a merchant I guild, a patron. It was he who was in essence and became the "Rodonaster" Resort Gurzuf. He bought Gurzuf's estate to develop there with winemaking there, but gradually the idea of ​​establishing the European level resort fully took possession of them. The nobility was pleased with him for his works for the benefit of the Fatherland, on the coat of arms of the nobility house of the tentative motto "not, and the Motherland." Peter Ionovich died in Moscow, however, according to the abandonment, he was buried in Gurzuf just in the territory of the church cemetery. Later, his remains and spouses were transferred to the city cemetery. Unfortunately, the graves have not survived to this day.

Marble Gurzufskaya Embankment - Unique, for all the time I had a chance to travel, this is the only embankment of pure marble. Alas, I do not know the story of her occurrence, but I know for sure the beautiful embankment is located in Gurzuf. Few people know that every morning it was washed with soapy solve, so that during the day she pleased tourists with impeccable beauty.

Museum "Treasures of the Black Sea" The recent acquisition of Gurzuf, he was already created at the Independence Department of Ukraine. Despite the fact that it is relatively young, has a unique exposure. Having visited this museum, it is possible to familiarize yourself with almost every time period of the history of the Crimean coast, including the documents that were raised from the bottom of the Black Sea and lay there for almost a hundred years, no such exhibits have any museum of the world. By the way, very many museum exhibits are presented by the sea, it is better to see with their own eyes.

House of creativity of artists. K. A. Korovina It can be found without difficulty, it is enough to get to the marble embankment, at the very beginning and at the entrance to the courtyard of the house you will meet you bronze monuments Anton Pavlovich Chekhov and Konstantina Alekseevich Korovina. Initially, this villa was built by him for recreation and work, he called it in honor of the Salamo ballet of the same name, to which he had done the scenery. It was here that many famous belts of the painter were written. Today, the boarding house is acting, but in the first building (it is he and there is a salamo) rooms are not available for tourists. But in the immediate vicinity there is a wonderful coffee house where you can relax under the noise of the waves and penetrate the story.

The second body of the pension is located in the western part of the waterfront, has its own beach and relatively cheap (30-40 dollars per day).

Gurzufsky Park - The territory is closed and refers to the department of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine, or rather to the Central Military Sanatorium. To date, he was assigned the status of a monument of garden-park art, and he is protected by law. The park was laid by the director of the Duke of Richelieu at the beginning of the XIXVEK. This is a colossal territory in 12 hectares became the midwooment of the rarest ornamental plantings, here you can walk in the shadow of olives, laurels, banana palm trees and other exotic plants. Another deserving a certain mention of the fact is that it is in this park that the unique sculptures of sculptures and fountains consisting of sculptural compositions are preserved. One of the most famous is the composition of the fountain "Night" (the same composition is sometimes called the "goddess of the night"). The entrance is possible only with the excursion group (at eleven in the morning and in four pm) if you do not relax in this pension. In other hours and without a group, of course, you can try to find a common language with the protection, but I immediately say it is quite problematic. If you decide on an excursion, approach the southern entrance to the time of the beginning, payment of input passes (they are also tickets) on the spot, with adults 25 hryvnia, how much children's tickets do not know unfortunately. Time, during which you are accompanied by a guide - one and a half hours, after you have the right to stay in the park and walk on your own. You will be held along the alley of monuments, along the way will be told about the age-old trees, fountains and related legends. The chain of fountains is interrupted by a monument in V.I. Lenin, sitting on a bench, most tourists are photographed by sitting next to Ilychi.

The best excursions in Gurzuf. 4492_1

After the next "fountain" series, "Vorontsovsky" lions will be waiting for you (small). In general, I can say - the excursion more than informative and visiting it you will learn a lot of new things not only about the history of the Gurzuf Park, but also about the history of the city itself, and the Crimean Peninsula.

Fountain "Goddess of Night" - This is created by Russian sculptors a copy of the sculpture of German Berger, the original was introduced at the end of the XIX century at the Fontanov exhibition in Vienna. His appearance in the park (like other sculptures) The work of Peter Ionovich Gubonin, which I have already mentioned. Describe the words all the beauty of the monument in my opinion is useless, this composition will not leave anyone indifferent, it just needs to be seen with its own eyes. For some reason, large photos have not been preserved for me, there is only a view of the fountain from the steps between the lions, but there are a lot of beautiful photos on the web and they are easily recognizable, without too much exaggeration, it is one of the most famous fountains.

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Museum of Cosmonautics named after Yuri Gagarin "Another pearl of Gurzufa, located in the Palace of Suk-Su, who, by the way, was given to Fedor Shalyapin, passionately dreamed of buying Adalairs. Opening took place in 1967, Iri Gagarin was present personally, at the proposal of which the aerospace exhibition was actually opened. The exposition presents the gifts of astronauts, the Spacks of Gagarin and Leonov, the Parachute of the East spacecraft, existing training equipment, there is even a Dog's Skuff and the Lunost's Dog.

Mount Balgotura - Refers to the Gothic period of Crimea, located within the city, is a defensive fortification, in fact one of the many ruins of the Crimea ... It is a pity that these monuments are not restored. Load here at least in order to visit the beautiful viewing area.

Museum of Navy and Local Lore Museum Located on the territory of the ARTEK, the exposition will introduce you in detail with the history of the Crimea and the Navy. I can not add anything about the cost of tickets and details, their visit was not included in our plans, but the time of the excursions and the cost of tickets can be asked by calling +38 0654 36-30-80, fax: +38 0654 36-32-17.

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