How much will the rest cost in Bukovele?


It must be understood that Bukovel is not a sea resort at all, where the main attributes are the sea, the sun and the wonderful climate. Bucavel is a full winter (possible in summer) ski resort, the largest throughout Ukraine.

How much will the rest cost in Bukovele? 4482_1

Being the largest, ski resort, Bukovel to everything else and the most expensive. Rest in the Bukowel itself will cost you at all cheaply. And if it's not a very cheap holiday to add more food and rental of equipment, riding on the tracks of a different level, with the instructor, then your rest in winter "will fly into a penny." Resting at the ski resort on pricing policy is comparable to the trip to Yalta, at the height of the season and with accommodation in the bungalow by the sea. I repeat - expensive. But it's worth it. The resort has a developed infrastructure and is designed exclusively on tourists.

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A huge number of lifts can easily deliver you any of the ski slopes of the Dovgi Mountains, Black, Bukovel. On them, the tracks of different levels of complexity are suitable as novice and already quite professional skiers. Small, restaurants on top of the mountain are always ready (for your "big money") to please you with ordinary coffee or not bad mulled wine.

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But, you can drink the coffee or the same Mulled wine in the restaurant at the foot of the track and much cheaper. Be a little more practical. It is not difficult to cook your coffee, take it in the thermos. with me uphill. Even such a little as his coffee, firstly saves, secondly warm and tasty and everything is at hand.

The rest in the small mini-hotels of the European style, which have a great set at the foot of the rest of the European Style, Koi.

The first time, (by ignorance), our trip cost the fabulously expensive. The second our visit is much cheaper, but everything with those pleasant impressions.

The first time they stayed in the private hotel "Pokkovsky". Impressions about it mass, but they are half. With his absolute high cost there was a lot of small comments. Located the hotel is simply great, at the foot of the Mountain "Bukovel", next to the crystal-clean River "Prutz". The location of the hotel, almost in the heart of the ski resort and makes it a unique place of residence.

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We had a semi-suite number. Wonderful number. Spacious, cozy at the same time with weak sound insulation. Magnificent view from the window of the room. You can see the beautiful scenery of the ski slopes of the mountains of the Blueberry, Bukovel, Dovbushanka. And when changing the wind, not only to see, but also hear the shouts of the joy of vacationers. This is the first drawback of the hotel. Dear rooms. A day of accommodation in the room semi-suite 400 UAH. And it is not for the season. In season, the price jershits by 20-30%. But the hotel has and cheaper rooms, two and three-bedrooms. I repeat, the hotel's uniqueness in the location. 50 meters ski lifts. Next to the hotel has the entire entertainment infrastructure. Ice roller - for those who skis do not interest and of course the Bugel's nightclub, where the prices are "biting" but a gorgeous program and recreation is wonderful.

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What about food is not a bad restaurant "Cossack". Cozy establishment with "Higher Personnel." But again expensive. We fed in the boarding house. Breakfast - 30 UAH, comprehensive lunch 50 UAH. It is quite decent, and at prices even more.

The hotel has a special equipment for storing equipment, which is very convenient. Once ordered, after only extended the order, and the equipment was stored at the hotel. Equipment cost of equipment 160 UAH. per day.

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Here I want to share experiences how little to save this is that beautiful but insanely expensive ski resort.

I'll start with the main one. Accommodation. Enjoy the Winter Resort - this does not mean anyone obligatory on it. 30 km. From Bukovel there is a village under the wonderful name of the mustache. Every third person lives at the expense of tourism, providing his home (its part) for removal in the season. Mission prices between two nearby villages simply amazes. Remove accommodation in Vorokhe 40 UAH. With a person (400 UAH. Bukovel), at the same time for his money you will be on the bat in the evening and they will give an odorless broom., Cake with fragrant tea from herbs after the bathhouse. Food cost us 20 UAH per person per day. This is a full lunch and dinner (90-100 UAH. Bukovel). Ski equipment rental stores in Vorokhe. Equipment rental 35 UAH. per day (skis, snowboard for 10 UAH. more expensive). This, at 160 UAH. in Bukovele. The quality of equipment in the rod is no worse than in Bukovele.

Conclusion - you can live in Vorokhte and ride in Bukovele. Every hour from the rhodhe in Bukovel there is a bus or minibus (7-10 UAH.). Here you have a very significant savings.

In the Bukovel market, I do not advise you to buy souvenirs. This is the market for "rich". Souvenirs, of course, all handmade, perfectly performed, but the price of them is crazy.

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On the market in the rod, everything is the same, but at the price tripled less. For example, a truly made of a liter mug with a skillfully across the carpathian card in Bukovele cost 150 UAH. A similar thing made by one - in one, we found in the worn market for 50 UAH.

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The same story with "embroidery", handmade scarves. Everything in Bukovele is mad money. For example, the men's shirt "Embroidery" in Bukovele costs 800 - 900 UAH. (Waxht 300-450 UAH). And so in everything.

How much will the rest cost in Bukovele? 4482_9

Bukovel, of course we liked, but it's hard to save there.

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