Where to go to Dublin and what to see?


Dublin is the city where the surroundings may seem more interesting to the city itself. Of course, as in any new city, the tourist should watch everything, to then do not regret that something was missed. Dublin is the capital of Ireland, which means there are also the main attractions are concentrated. It is very convenient to move through the "urban train", whose message covers the city and its surroundings, of course you can use a taxi, but it is not interesting and expensive :).

And so, the city center divides in half the Liffi River, surprisingly clean and very beautiful, there are a lot of fish. Most of the attractions are focused on the southern half of the city. On the northern part there is one of the main streets of the city, which is part-time and in itself is a landmark - stopped Street, named after the first measure of Dublin, Lord Lorded, who headed the movement, defending the civil rights of the Irish. The street is very busy, life always boils. In small shops, you can find everything from souvenirs to free maps of the city and descriptions of the routes of urban transport.

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The most touching landmark of Dublin is also in the city center, this is a park of memories, he is devoted to all those heroes who died for freedom of Ireland. Here on so much calm and peaceful atmosphere that you want to sit in thought all day.

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It is impossible not to go to the National Gallery of Ireland, especially since the entrance is free. More than 14 thousand paintings are exhibited here, moreover, photos, sculptures and graphics of famous masters are also presented here. It is here that such famous canvases are exhibited as "Mulatto" Velasquez, "Arzhante with a lonely sailboat" Claude Monet and "Take Christ" Karavadezho. In general, just a paradise for clarifiers of painting.

Lovers of books will not be able to pass by the library of Chester Beatti, it was here that the richest collection is collected prone and budget publications, there are also papyrus, engraved books, early editions of the Bible and the Quran. The library is located in Dublin Castle at 20 Shrewsbury Road, Dublin 4.

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The old map of Europe from the book of the Chronicles of Nuremberg was published in 1493.

Next, it is necessary to visit the National Museum of Ireland, the building of which is located next to the Parliament of Ireland. There are old gold jewelry, Celtic outfits, adhesive items of the 7th century, Christian decorations and relics. It is here that the body of a clonicavan man is kept - well-preserved body, more precisely only the body of the human body, which lived in the Iron Age. He was found in MIT in County, in Ireland. Of course, the spectacle is not for the faint of heart, but it is definitely impressive!

Being in Dublin is impossible not to visit Ireland's castles, the castle of Malahaid was preserved better than everyone in the original form. Up to 1976, there are lives of Tubot, the true owners of the castle. It is said that 5 ghosts live in the castle, but it or not, you have to check yourself. Still in the castle it is impossible to use the camera, so all the decoration and luxury will already see in place.

Mandley's castle will have to admire only from afar, because his singer Aniya has acquired, which now lives there.

Also worth visiting the Dublin Castle, there used to be the British administration. Now it is used as a building for official meetings and conferences, and concerts are held in the castle dungeon.

Well, since Dublin is a city of nine bridges, it's worth walking along them all, the most famous of them - the bridge of Frank Shervina, the bridge of shelter, the Samuel Beckett Bridge, the bridge was over, the Bridge James Joyce.

And last, do not forget to go to the Cathedral of Christ or the Cathedral of the Holy Trinity - the main Cathedral of Dublin. By the way, in 1860 he was cleaning the body, the tool found mice and a cat (dead), the remains of poor animals are still exhibited here.

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And one more cathedral, which is worth a visit, is the Cathedral of St. Patrick, in the 18th century there was the abbot of Jonathan Swift himself. During the restoration, the Celtic Cross was found here, he still stored here.

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There are many more interesting places in Dublin, only you need to look more than one week! For shopaholiki in the surroundings of the city there is a "sales fair" in Kildar Village, here are constantly selling their own collections of well-known brands. And in the southwestern part of the city, the Temple Bar area is located - the area of ​​bars and pubs! There is probably on each meter if not a pub, then the bar and drink here is necessarily!

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