The most interesting excursions in Cyprus? What should I see?


A real find for the tourist will be the pearl of the Mediterranean - the island of Cyprus. This paradise slice of sushi is known worldwide with its beauties. The tourist industry is very developed here, especially in southern regions. Magnificent nature, hospitable locals, a lot of sightseeing tours, a variety of attractions, entertainment for any age and taste is, and much more can offer to foreign guests of Cyprus.

In order to get acquainted with the history of this small island, you need a lot of time, so vacationers come here repeatedly. During the vacation campaign, see all the wealth of Cyprus is simply unreal. So immediately be prepared for the fact that after the rest you will have an insurmountable desire to return to this amazing area more than once.

Each resort here has its own highlight in the form of interesting historical memo. And yet, the most advantageous location will become, perhaps, Larnaca. It is in this city that all roads agree, so it is perfect for those people who came to see the maximum of the wonder. From here it is conveniently sent on the excursion to any point of the island or by its own way, or on the rental, car. Another plus is accommodation in Larnaca International Airport. This resort is also suitable for recreation in all parameters for different age categories. The rest of the cities also have something to boast before overseas guests. It is about the main attractions will be discussed further.

one. The cliffs of the goddess of love Aphrodite.

This is the most romantic place on the island, because the legend of the birth of Aphrodite is connected with him. A mythical atmosphere reigns in the air, which is supported by these beliefs. For example, it is believed that if at midnight it is to swim around the rock at midnight, you will certainly find true love, and if you swim in Adam costume, then you get your life on fertility. These are all the bikes, but even a person who is unbelieving will not be able to remain indifferent to local breathtaking panoramas. This magnificence is worth seeing, because it is quite difficult to convey the Cote d'Azur shore, exciting scenery soul. Nearby is a cozy free beach with parking, which can be visited at any time of the year. This attraction is 25 kilometers from Paphos, along the main road leading to Limassol.

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2. Bathing Adonis

Continuing the topic of ancient Greek myths, it is impossible not to mention this beautiful place. It was here that the God of Beauty Adonis met his beloved Aphrodite. According to legend, they loved to spend time here, here they had many children, whose descendants consider the inhabitants of Paphos. Near the reservoir there is a statue of this couple, there is an inscription about the fact that, touched by Adonis, all the fruitless and dreaming about the kids will acquire the joy of replenishing the family. Bathing is below the waterfall and is deep enough. Next to her are a water mill and a huge oven. There are 12 kilometers from Paphos, there are indicative signs on the way to the village of Leptos Camares.

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The most interesting excursions in Cyprus? What should I see? 4447_3

3. Akamas flights

To be in the western part of Cyprus on the road, which leads from pathos to the policy. More than 200 square kilometers of untouched nature at your service. This part of the island is protected by UNESCO as a biosphere reserve. There are many wild beaches, cozy bays, mysterious caves. Impressive variety of flora and fauna of these places. More than 500 species of plants, 170 species of feathered, more than 10 kinds of mammals, 20 types of reptiles, 16 types of butterflies - the symbols of the region. Also, the remains of the settlements of the Stone Age and the Byzantine era are preserved, and mighty rocks spread out on the western side. This is a real natural storehouse in which you can be in harmony with the outside world.

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four. Kurion

Only 20 kilometers from Limassol and you can immerse yourself in the history of the ancient city of Kurion. Once this city occupied an important position, up to the 4th century of our era, when he was destroyed by an earthquake. But even this fact could not completely erase the Curion on the face of the Earth and many archaeological attractions remained on these lands. One of the most outstanding is the Greco-Roman Theater, which accommodates about 3000 spectators. Near the tetra is a house and a bath of local venoms-free Estolya. Also, the houses of Achilles, gladiators, in which the floor decorate the ancient mosaics are preserved. At a distance of 3 kilometers from Curion, you can see the stadium and the sanctuary of Apollo.

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five. Museum of Natural History and Archeology

This attraction is located in Guzelit in the northern part of Cyprus. It takes the Museum of the Old Palace of Bishop and accommodates many interesting exhibits. The first floor demonstrates the natural history in the form of various representatives of the fauna of Cyprus. Archeology reigns on the second floor, each historical period is given its hall. Here you can see the exhibits of the stone, bronze, Byzantine, Greek and Roman periods.

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6. Museum Fiardard

40 kilometers from Nicosia is the Museum of Agriculture Fiqard. There is a feature that the exhibit is the whole village entirely. More recently, this village was abandoned, but local authorities looked at local architectural memos and began to revive the culture of the village. Two houses have become museums that accommodate agricultural tools of labor. The first is a wooden house in two floors, which retained the peculiarities of the Venetian style in the architecture. In the middle of life is equipped in such a way that the tourist after visiting the museum has an idea of ​​the daily life of Cyprus. The second house is made in the form of a weaving workshop and hostel.

These attractions are small tolia of what can be seen on the island. I emphasized in those places that are often not included in the main excursion program. But I believe that this beauty is worth seeing, so at a convenient setting of circumstances, I recommend to visit these paradise corners. More detailed about outstanding museums, temples, parks I will tell in the relevant sections for each, separately taken, resort.

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