What should I see in Innsbruck? The most interesting places.


One of the unforgettable impressions of Tyrol visits for me was a tour of Silver mines in the city of Svwat. But first things first.

Purely happened, it turned out that we had access to Innsbruck Card in the morning. In an advertising booklet for the map I found the Museum of the Mint in the city of Hall-in-Tirol. This museum was free for Innsbruck Card owners, so in the first place we went there. Website about Innsbruck Card reported that the way from Innsbruck to the city of Hally is included in the Card Price. However, the bus driver nor the employees of the railway could not confirm it, so the ticket had to buy a ticket. It is best for visiting one day of the cities of Hall and Schwatz to approach the Daily Ticket (day ticket) from Innsbruck to the Swing and back.

The brief information covered on the Internet, about the town of Hall-in-Tyrol, said that the city was built in Italian style and that tourists would definitely fall in love with ancient houses. However, the first thing we went to the Museum of the Mint. When leaving the train, you must go from the station to the right, without turning anywhere. Actually, Hall - the city is small, not lost.

What should I see in Innsbruck? The most interesting places. 44466_1

For those who have no INNSBRUCK Card card, I have a hurry to please: this museum is not expensive, costs about 4 euros. The museum is located in the Hasegg Castle (Hasegg). However, it is impossible to photograph in the museum, apparently this is a state secret. The museum contains devices and equipment for printing coins from our days to the most antiquity. It was here that a long time was located the main mint, and silver tales were minted in the eighteenth century. This coin was used throughout Europe for almost four hundred years.

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After the museum we rose to the city center. Indeed, photos with narrow streets turned out excellent! Purely accidentally fell under the closure of the market of various agricultural products. But I was more interested in the "flea market" with antiques. My happiness managed to buy two clay mice, just two euros, although the figures are a bit broken. It turns out that the farmers market works only on Saturday from 9-00 to 13-00 (www.hall-wattens.at/de/maerkte.html).

Further, our path leads to the city of Schwat. In order to get into this city, you need to go on the same trains that you went to Hall in the course of the train movement. Train timetable can be seen at the train station of the city of Hull or looking at them in advance on the official website of the Austrian Railways OEBB.AT.

As soon as you leave the train in the city of Svwat, you need to go right to the bus stop. Do not notice it hard, the time is displayed until the next bus. You need to take a bus with the route to the mines, the route is marked with the word "Silberbergwerk" or something like that (bus number 1). It is important not to drive your stop: the bus has a circular route and returns to the station. Having hurt that the bus rides to the end station, where the museum is located, we drove the extra circle on it. The bus goes every half an hour. Do not forget that the museum works up to five hours, so at the latest time when you need to come there, it is three hours in the day. This must be taken into account when planning a trip together with the city of Hull, closely connected with silver mines. The last bus from Rudnikov to the city is also somewhere in 16-50, which the driver of the bus politely reminded.

Excursion to the mines really exciting! First you will be offered to dress like a fit: on the head - a helmet, and a silver cloak will cover everything else.

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The fact is that water drips in the underground exhibition, so that such an outfit turned out to be not superfluous. This museum is amazingly different from our usual boring exhibitions. Here you go on a trip to the real gallery in the same way as the Austrian miners over the centuries have done. The guide that tells everything in German, and then for those in need translates into English, the first thing is instructed by safety instructions. The path to the mountain is carried out on an old trolley on rails, during the movement it is impossible to get up. The path to the mines is just a few minutes, but tourists transfer it to the sinking of the heart. Lightly flashes light, water drows on his head, the trolley with a knock carries you deep into the mountain. The path of just about 900 meters seemed eternity. In the oldst gallery, it is easy to get lost, it is better to keep up with a guide. Do not be upset by tourists who do not understand foreign languages. The gallery provides several mini-moving films in Russian.

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Silver here was mined at least from 15 to 19th century. During this period, not only the town of Schwatz, but also the Austrian Empire, is observed. The prey of the precious metal was engaged in a special estor of miners. It is difficult to imagine how difficult it was. In the mine constantly received water. Some time later, the Austrians had to build a huge wheel for pumping water, for which it was used, oddly enough, the mechanism caused by the energy of water.

Muses were abandoned about 200 years ago. Silver mining here became unprofitable due to an increase in production in other countries.

The cost of excursion to mines with a guide - 16 euros.

The museum has a store. There you can purchase for memory of silver products or an interesting stone. I bought for only 10 euros a beautiful stone unusually pink.

You can eat in the shvana inside and near the large shopping complex, by which the bus travels on the way back. From this place to the train station can be reached on foot.

Official site of the city of Hall: www.hall-in-tirol.at

Calle -Vattenx County site: www.hall-wattens.at

Official site of silver mines: www.silberbergwerk.at

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