What should I see in Jaipur?


Jaipur, the pink city of the Indian color rectangle, he is the composite part of the Golden Triangle of India, is not at all much gorgeous as expected. What is worth focusing and what is really worth spending without regretthery in Jaipur, is in the vicinity. Forts Amber and Jaigarch became incredibly souls, we spent the whole day and did not regret it all. Tourists from Jaipur here are clutched by elephants, smeared by the most paincoon. It costs 900rs. Very sorry for elephants: it is necessary to wash the paint, and it remains on their bodies, mixing with mud, for several days. The legs are not adapted to walk through the mountain paths, and the asphalt for them is a bad replacement of the jungle soil. In a box on an elephant back, sit, as I understand it, is very uncomfortable, and it is also cold in it from side aside when driving an elephant - pleasure below the plinth. And it is to lie and climb - in general a special song: after all, after all, it is not a camel, he can't lie down, but only quits, becoming on the rear knees. Presented, what acrobatic tricks do you have to do to climb into the box on his back? We walked into the amber on the other hand, from the neighboring hill, and the elephants went to meet us, therefore it was introduced to us a unique opportunity to consider them in detail. In those moments, when we turned out to be very close to these cruel giants, our task was not to get under the fly flying in our side in the face of the tail, which the elephant waves, like the same cow that distinguishes flies. They die their legs when the elephants step over, thumbs up and drop their fingers! Please note.

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To the west of Jaigrah, at the nearby hill, Fort Nahad Garth is located, in whose walls is the headquarters of the Indian Air Force, so the access is curious, naturally, closed. But it is impossible to prohibit you through the lens or photograph all that can and that no one can. In fact, here, almost on every hill, some fortress, their great many, to each lead rather steep steps.

Pretty pleasant impression leaves the city palace with his famous peacocks and giant silver jugs. Palace complex (city palace) occupies 1/7 part of Jaipur and includes the residence of the current governor, the Lunar Palace of Candra Mahal, the City Palace Museums and the Temple of Sri Govinda DeV in honor of Krishna. The Lunar Palace is closed for visitors, as there lives the now bandless Maharaj with his family (the King's authorities does not have, but only title and money), it reigns dazzling to pompous luxury. This is the official residence of Maharaja, over which one flag rises when Majesty is in Jaipur, and two flags when Majesty is not just in Jaipur, but right in the palace. Chandra Mahal windows overlook the square with famous peacocks, and the royal family and court ladies almost always secretly watch tourists photographed on their background (Peacocks accurately at the gate of the lunar palace).

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In the urban palace there is a lot of interesting things. For example, the CITY PALACE Museum draws attention to the collection of weapons, numbering more than 2,000 exhibits, a collection of vintage carriages and carts, exhibited in the former stable.

A completely close from the city palace, literally across the road, is the Observatory of Jantar-Mantar / Jantar-Mantar, which means "tools for calculating", which is collected in this place 16. The Observatory is the UNESCO World Heritage Site and at the moment - one of The largest in the world, it is well preserved and works to this day. Gay Singh built it in 1718. Jantar Mantar sundial clock is listed in the Guinea Records Book as the most accurate in the world: their error is 2 seconds.

A couple of words should be said, probably, about Hava-Mahal / Palace of the winds, which rightfully consider the business card of Jaipur, who received its name because of the original ventilation system. A beautiful and very unusual, a flat five-storey building, built in the shape of a crown of Krishna, has only one wall and 953 windows with balconies. Rooms in the palace are incredibly narrow, like Celi, literally on the windows width, so long-lasting stay and accommodation there was absolutely no possible. The palace was designed to accommodate the harem and servants of the female maharaja. From the windows of the palace, the ladies could calmly observe the city life and all sorts of festivities and parades, not at risk of being noticed. Hava waved no special impression for some reason (and so I wanted!), It is not different anything special, it is exactly the same as on numerous photos on the Internet, and if it adds a dirty and unthinkable tickle to it in front of him and a ban on stopping machines, then the picture, I think clear.

The depressing impression leaves the palace on the lake / Water Palace / Jal Mahal, growing straight out of the water without any visible island foundation. Palaces on the water, it should be noted, generally very popular in India. Jal Mahal was built in the middle of the 18th century as a summer residence of the Royal Family on Lake Man Sagar and was used mainly to hunt for ducks. Absolutely not presentable and neglected view of this ancient hunting house. Completes the "painting of oil" by the waterfront from the Water Palace C is not particularly exciting appetite by the local Fast Food, which you can put on a newspaper fragment, with dirty beggars and souvenir traders.

In general, Jaipur is a pretty young city, in the history of its creation, an analogy with St. Petersburg is traced. Both cities were built in the eighteenth century with a difference of several years, both were intended to perform the role of a new capital, both were built on a rectangular plan, and both got the name of the king. The literal translation of the word "Jaipur" = "Jay City", but "Jai" = "Victory", so "Jaipur" can also be translated as a "victorious city". Thanks to the color of the palaces and houses of the old quarter (only the old part!), He began to call it a pink city. The rest of the city, in fact, is currently no pink, but some ... terracotta.

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