Tips for those who are going to India. Travel travel by country.


A little useful information about transport, first of all, about the trains of India. There is some inexplicable fear of these dirty, rusty and everywhere squeaky sudnes. First of all, keep in mind, gentlemen, that the time of movement of the Indian transport, specified in the schedule or in the ticket, does not necessarily coincide and may even go against the fact that you will hear from station speakers. This is an approximate, approximate time. Plus-minus half an hour is not even considered a crime, misunderstanding, late or something else out of a series of outgoing. In tickets we had 23.45. The running line on the screen pointed to 23.35. The night train scares the fact that it is not known with whom you will find behind the curtain, this is a roulette. Probably requires clarification of the "curtain" mentioned by me. We had a car 2as, which meant the shelves in two rows and air conditioning. The car actually represents our second-class, only four places close the curtain, as well as two laterals too. As the Indian Colonel explained to us, whom we lived for a while, such a placement for us, two attractive awesome girls traveling along India alone, without men, perfectly safely safely, but car 1As (analogue of our jewelry, with a door) Taill In myself for us a bunch of troubles and misunderstandings. I have a hurry to note that, putting your luggage under the bottom shelf, it is better to fasten it with bicycle locks to the leg, due to possible thefts. If you do not have a lock or chain, then, at best, you can take it for the n sum of the conductor, at worst - hope for good luck.

The passing train, the parking time of which is limited, on average, ten minutes, forced us to revere, if not to say more. When a train appears in the visibility zone (that is, somewhere in three or five minutes before the stop, because he does not go, but crawling), on the platform, the marking of cars lights up, because the number on the carriage itself in India is either not written at all, or Koryvo scarp on the front door, and consider it among the night (and even if the train moves) is not possible. The numbering of the wagons is not so simple and consists of the letter (English) and the numbers. Well, it would seem that everything is decided - you come to the station at least for half an hour, you turn on logic (first the cars are closed in the train, that is, the speakers, because the tickets in them are expensive, and then open, that is, Sleeper and General) and wait for the inclusion of light scoreboards or at the beginning of the platform, or in the middle, or at the end, because the English alphabet you know and believe it seems like you can. And in our case, having on the hands of tickets to the AC car under the number A1, there should be no problems at all. Yeah, of course !!! India would not be India, if everything was so simple. Indian logic is distinguished by lack of logic, and Indian rules are based on their option. Not without reason you can think that the number A1 will be in front of the A2 number. We still have to say that the scoreboard with numbers light up for some reason not at the same time, but one after another. What was our surprise when the GEN (general - common) caught fire before A2, after it, SL (SLEEPER = ours, far from ideal, placentar), then S9, and then in the same nonsense disorder. It was not necessary to not just look for a car, it was necessary to run the head, since our car was not observed in the visibility zone. I should make some clarity about the docking of the wagons in India. In Russia, let's say you do not have time to walk to your car, then you calmly sit down in any, and then in transitions between the wagons you are calmly heading towards your place. In India, if you did not sit in your car, you are doomed: the wagons are insulated and there are no transitions between them, or, as an option, they are not led by the reason for the reason. Even if they were, then squeeze through a car such as Sleeper or General, even without things there is no possibility, for people are going even on the steps, because inside the wagon you can easily squeeze the juice from the banana.

Tips for those who are going to India. Travel travel by country. 4423_1

If you have the Lord, there is an opportunity to sit on the train at the end station, never use passing. At least at the final station it costs an hour, unlike the passing, which opens the doors for 5-10 minutes. In the wagons of the Sleeper class (SL), the windows are not closed or missing. You have a place, of course, it is, but it is purely conditional. It goes without saying, no bed linen, you have a place where you can lie - it is in Indian understanding more than enough. Although, as practice has shown, the Indians fall there, where Europe will not even think of sitting: in Local Train right on the bench behind the spins sitting, in the total car on the floor, on the highest shelf.

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Explorers actually not everywhere. The garbage in SL traditionally rushes directly to the floor (and plastic bottles, and the remnants of a simple food - absolutely everything), and it is cleaned (again - very conditionally) only at the end station, the number of fatty jelly cockroaches significantly exceeds the number of passengers.

We swept on the train, which consists of only common cars. This is Local Train, something like our suburban electric train, only worse. I offer my changes, if I express somewhat rescued. General cars in India are divided into gender signs, and in the female car men simply will not be empty. Women and children are sitting, where you have to: on the floor, on the luggage shelf, in the tambour. The female carriage accompanies a policeman.

And a few words about motors. Motoriksha is recommended for me only in those situations and areas where he is almost the only transport. Or where, where the distance you need to overcome is negligible to pay 2-3 times more for the car, and you are ready to endure this poker. If you have the opportunity to avoid this method of movement, then do it. After one unpleasant case with such a driving, I managed to find out that 1 km of this flawed vehicle is officially estimated at 10-11rs plus 20 landing, be alert and calculate your travel, otherwise pay a blank drive as a car. In general, it is better not to accommodate pay for a kilometer, it does not premone stretch your five kilometers to 15, demonstrating all the delights of slums and local attractions. And never for nothing let's go forward, even if it ends with gasoline, the wheel falls off or hurts his head. This is his problems, believe me, and if you draw a prepayment, then the wheel will certainly be twisted, and the gasoline is really "ends" at all in the area where you were heading, the return of money, as well as compensation for moral damage, you are not Delight.

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