What is the hotel to choose to relax in Siem Ripe?


We visited two ripe twice. On rental housing in this pleasant town can be said literally the following: you definitely will not stay outside. Here you can book hotels in advance, and you can absolutely not tightening to choose accommodation to your taste and wallet right in place. Moreover, the second option, in my opinion, is preferable. So, you really see, it is worth the accommodation of those money that is asked for him or not.

We have experience in two hotels in the city center, perhaps it will be useful to those who prefer to choose housing focusing on the reviews of "living" people.

The first trip and rental of housing can be called "training run", about the country, we still practically did not know anything, were heard (probably, like all) that this is the country "1 dollars", everything is very cheap and accessible. Therefore, booking a guesthouse for two nights, especially the attention did not pay attention to the details. The choice fell on "Schein Guesthouse & Restaurant", the only thing that we looked at was the number of reviews and an average estimate. The price was quite "Cambodian", a room with amenities and two double beds 20 dollars per day (and they had numbers and twice cheaper). What did we get for this money? No frills, beds, clean bed, shower with hot and cold water, fan, cable TV (which no one watched the word) Bedside table with a vause and flower, plus bottles with water.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Siem Ripe? 4416_1

For this "cosmic" price, breakfast also relied us! Breakfast by the way is quite edible, the reason has become clear later when we visited the restaurant of the same guesthouse. Prepare very tasty, prices are really funny. I understand your attention separately, they take only cash to pay (dollars too).

By and large, nothing else we needed. This trip rather was intelligent, we wanted to look at the place, "feel" the city. Guesthouse was chosen deliberately in the city center, in order to walk with legs, look at living - to be a typical "Siem Ripskoe". A relatively close "night market", shopping centers, the old market and of course Pub Street, which was in a lesser extent, but for general development and we visited it. Agree, it would be stupid not to walk down the street, for which many people stop here. The town is clean and cozy, very pleased with the eyes of the preserved monuments of the colonial period, green, nice to walk around the city. The impressions of Guesthouse left mediocre, yes, everything is clean, carefully, but the second time we would choose it only if hard savings are needed. Such "conveniences" is not our way of warrior, at least not in this life. More like a student hostel. Although the reason for the high assessment of this "hotel" tourists to me more than clear: pure, cheap, delicious breakfast, location in the center.

In the second trip, I carefully and pickyly looked through hotel information, we planned a kind of romantic date and wanted to combine pleasant with useful. Location I wanted to choose the same, but the level of comfort was required with all the "excesses", a surprise for her husband demanded special attention to the choice of housing.

Ultimately, at your own fear and risk booked a room at Shinta Mani Resort, $ 250 per day. I confess that a kind of green citizen stifled me, of course, but because the reason was worthy, I did not get a fluttering hand to the reservation.

The fact that with the choice I was not mistaken, it became clear at the moment when we entered the hall and found themselves at the reception. Honestly, to live in their lobby on the sofa - this is also a great accommodation) the hotel really stands for its money, everything is decorated with taste, elegant, there is no extra cruel and beamless, everything is very noble and worthy. As a result - we never regretted our decision.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Siem Ripe? 4416_2

The room went on the second floor overlooking the pool, the mirror wall, the bed is unreal as much, the room is very large, the desktop, chairs, safe, air conditioning, refrigerator. The bathroom was a bathroom with hydromassage, and a shower, and the room itself with the size of the room in some hotels.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Siem Ripe? 4416_3

In addition, since I warned in the correspondence of the hotel serving about our holiday, the room was decorated with flowers, and in the evening when we returned to the hotel after the lack of in the room found a surprise from the hotel - champagne in a bucket and fruit basket. So it turned out unplanned light dinner in the room. We took breakfasts with you, because in the morning I went early, at the reception girl gave us boxes with our breakfasts (brekefast boxes). In the afternoon, hungry pretty, in boxes we found: cheese, ham, cutting of vegetables, bread, oil, fruit and water. As they say - a trifle, and nice!

Of course, the hotel is dear, but this is pleasure, and it is worth the money that we paid for him.

I will be glad if you helped someone to decide on the choice, pleasant travel to you!

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