How to get to Peter from Amman?


Many tourists travel through Jordan, studying the historic north of the country and its central part, absolutely not grown to the desire to go to Aqaba. Fully justified desire (about Aqaba), given the specifics of the resort regarding the prices and paid beach. Nevertheless, getting from Amman to Petra and see the famous El Hazne and Wadi Rama is quite real and not much more expensive than from Aqaba. Unless the path itself is still more tentative due to duration (260 km). There are several options. The easiest is an independent trip Amman-Wadi Musa from the city bus station. Plus that this is the most that there is a cheap option. The minus of such a path is that the bus should be without stopping, and therefore you will not be able to see the famous fortress al-Karak (on the road), where Johann Burkhardt, who opened a Peter for us, and revised about the mystical city of Nabateev and managed to make a pilgrimage to the target Sacrifice to the Prophet on Mount Jabel-Harun. The second way is to use the services of numerous amman tourist agencies, organize, so-called weekend tours for local. The bus leaves on Friday and Saturday at 6 am, follows the route Amman Peter-Wadi Ram-Aqaba and late at night returns to the capital. The "secret" of a similar tour is that the metropolitan residents go to Aqabu to be caught in alcohol (Aqaba - Duty-Free zone), and checking buses on the road is not so thorough as, for example, private transport. The cost of such a trip is about 60 dollars. The third option is a taxi "EVERYTHING". It is to place, because Jordanian drives want to get 80-100 dinar in one way that, you see, quite considerably. Plus, a taxi will stop in al-Karaka and another one or two fortifications worthy of inspection. In this case, you can spend the night in one of the many hotels in Wadi Musa (town / village on Mount of two steps away from Petra), and the next day, use the Amman bus, which I mentioned in the first version. The cost of the bus is a pure symbolic, 7 or 8 dinar. Well, of course, there is an option of private transport if you find a friend who kindly agree to do this hellish way, even if you pay for fuel for the car. The point here is what. The shortest road is to Desert Highway, which is absolutely no complaints in the daytime. The catastrophic position comes with a sunset: the magnificent track is practically not covered that, as I learned, is an absolutely ordinary phenomenon everywhere in the kingdom outside Amman. That is, about 2 km you are driving on the lit road, and then 5-7 km in the pitch darknessIs it worth saying that the number of accidents on the track with the onset of darkness increases sharply? It is for this reason that most drivers try to return to Amman to darkness, which is pretty problematic if you try to put and Peter, and Wadi Rams in one day. Of course, if Aqaba is included in your travel plans, then you should take a trip to the city of Nabateev and the picturesque red desert from there, for Petra is just in an hour and a half ride from the resort town.

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