What is the hotel to choose to relax in Varkal?


The will of the case we ended up on the southern bank of Varkala. Many cute hotels and accommodation located in Coconut Thickets. Here quiet and cozy, let's call it a sleeping area. All madness with restaurants are alone on one, with screaming music, a bit of a clogged beach, a bunch of regular and left ayurvedic salons, shops and noisy Russians - accurately on the northern shore. We removed the room in a small cozy hotel "Samudra", drowning in greenery, on a hill 50 meters from the beach. Samudra is an progestion, a younger brother, whether, Panchavadi Hotel is a new hotel, gaining power and popularity, quickly becoming welcome and demanded from Europeans. Prices in both hotels are adequate enough, the set of services is quite suitable for tourists, so they are filled in quickly. I watched both hotels, and both were arranged, but we stopped in Samudra just because he is a little distance from the main road, a little closer to the sea and a little ... cozy. Of course, I ventilated the price, as I could, then you mean with foam at the mouth, I had every rupio. One friend, located on an expensive hotel on the very shore, somehow came to visit and, seeing all this charm, thought to move here. Linis, the hotel manager, did not slow down to heat his price. The decision to stop here was very, very correct for another reason. There is a temple in the village in which there is a loud music every day and in the evening - something like a prayer call or a sign that the temple opened (it is not open around the clock, but only at certain hours). By the way, so-so temple, nothing special.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Varkal? 4390_1

In the days of large holidays, like, for example, the Shiva Festival in February, then you mean now, such music continues about until noon, since the believers - and local, and driven - they go endless stream. And this flow is moving across the main road Varkalabeachroad from the ocean, where, such as sins are released, sacrifices are being brought and is performed, and the docket is performed, and straight to the temple. The crowd goes with noise, laughter, loud (very loud) conversations, pipes-duffes-drums.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Varkal? 4390_2

Hotel Panchavadi is located on the main road, and Samudra is on the sidelines, on a hill above the sea ocean. If I hear the sounds of music in the morning, you can imagine what is the one who is located in the hotels by the road? How many times have I already expressed mentally my regret for tourists who are obviously just not lucky! And how many times after that, I thanked the Most High that he sent me to Samudra, despite the fact that Panchavadi liked me then and arranged in all respects.

What is the hotel to choose to relax in Varkal? 4390_3

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