Rest in Florence: How to get? Cost, travel time, transfer.


Getting to one of the most beautiful cities of Italy, the capital of the picturesque province of Tuscany - Florence will not be so simple. There are no direct flights from Moscow or from Russian regions. There are several options to get into the Tuscan capital.

Rest in Florence: How to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 4386_1

The first: using Airlitali, Transaero airlines, Aeroflot and Russia to fly to the Rome airport located in the town of Fiumicino, there to transfer to the local flight to Florentine Aeroporto Amerigo Vespucci, located five kilometers from the Tuscan capital. From the airport to Florence, you can get on the Express bus. A bus that goes in half an hour, in 15 minutes gets to his final station - the largest railway station of Santa Maria Novella, a ticket, worth about 10 euros, can be purchased on the spot, at the driver. In the city from the airport you can get on a taxi (about 20 euros) or rent a car in rental points.

It is possible to fly to the airport located in neighboring Pisa, however, it is approximately 100 kilometers from Florence, which makes this option not very convenient. From the airport in the city of Pisa to Florence can be reached by train, travel time - one and a half hours, ticket price - 5.5 euros.

The second option, in my opinion, the most optimal: fly to the Roman airport, get to Termini Train Station, and already travel to Florence. The cheapest ticket costs 15 euros, but also a longer option - the local regionale electric train, overcomes the distance of 300 kilometers in 4 hours. More expensive and comfortable option - Express train. This is the same distance he passes for an hour and a half, the cost of a ticket is about 25 euros. From the airport to the station you can get in several ways: on the express train (time on the hour of half an hour, the cost is 15 euros), on the bus company COTRAL (there is a little longer, the cost of a ticket is 5 euros), or on a bus-shuttle with a ticket price also in 5 euros. Florence Railway communication with other cities and regions is well developed, as the city is the largest railway center in Tuscany province. At Santo Maria Novella - the main station of the city, located almost in the center of Florence, arrive at Milan (time on three hours), Bologna (40 minutes), Venice (three hours), Naples (4 hours).

The bus network is well developed at the province level - you can get to Siena, Luccu, Pisa, however, when moving to other regions, it is better to use the railway message.

Rest in Florence: How to get? Cost, travel time, transfer. 4386_2

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