When is it better to rest in Kyrenia?


Kyrenia is rightly called the pearl of Northern Cyprus. In addition to the large number of objects having historical and cultural value, there are excellent beaches and azure Mediterranean Sea, whose beauty is amazing with its magnificence.

When is it better to rest in Kyrenia? 4374_1

The beginning of the summer season certainly depends on the weather conditions, but usually it is mid-April, and lasts until November, although some hotels continue to work and take tourists all year round. The average temperature in the winter period is kept in the area of ​​+15 degrees and the thermometer does not rarely rises to + 22 + 24 degrees, which pleases the tourists of which attracts the winter tan.

When is it better to rest in Kyrenia? 4374_2

The water temperature in the winter is not lowered below +16 degrees, which is quite acceptable for some. If we talk about the period of the most comfortable stay, then in my opinion it is best to relax from the second half of September to the first half of October. Although at this time the price of accommodation is significantly reduced, but it can only be useful only to those who are planning an independent rest, as tourist companies consider this period by the velvet season and do not rush to lower prices, but on the contrary they try to raise them slightly or hold on July -Avgusta. It is September-October for a tour. Operators are considered the most profitable period. At this time, there is no longer the heat, as in August, the evenings are still quite warm and the water temperature in the sea is held within + 24 + 26 degrees. This is certainly slightly lower compared to August, but quite comfortable for swimming.

When is it better to rest in Kyrenia? 4374_3

If we talk about the price of trips from the tour. operators, then the minimum prices for rest are in April-May, but the sea at this time is still not completely elected, and the second half of October-beginning of November. At this time, weather changes are already possible and rain can spoil the beach holiday for a while. But visiting excursions at this time is the most comfortable, as in the hotter months of walking in the sights of Kyrenia are not so pleasant. Course prices also may depend on the conditions of early booking or in the case of burning tours.

When is it better to rest in Kyrenia? 4374_4

With preschool children, it is also better to rest in September, when the probability of getting a heat punch is much lower and the water temperature allows a long stay in it. Although recently the number of school children, despite the school period, is quite large. For the sake of a comfortable rest, parents are ready to sacrifice the weekly-another educational process of their Chad. Hotels in Kyrenia are quite large selection and choose the appropriate option does not represent problems.

When is it better to rest in Kyrenia? 4374_5

This applies to both rest on the way and to individual tours. You can also choose apartments for rent. At the same time, the price for the period of living may be much lower than in the hotel, and your daily menu will depend only on taste and desire.

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