What is worth looking in Narva?


Narva - the third largest city in Estonia. Most of the inhabitants of Narva are Russian. And it is not surprising, because the city is on the border with Russia.

Narva became the second city in which I visited, traveling in Estonia.

The most memorable, most important and excellent symbol of the city is Narva castle, near which you can always meet a lot of admiring tourists.

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Narva castle laid down by the Danes at the end of the 13th century as the residence of the King Denmark, in the Middle Ages served as a defensive complex. The castle survived a lot of reconstructions, and acquired its current species at the beginning of the 15th century. Now in the fortress you can visit the Narva Museum, telling about the history of the city and the fortress. The exhibition halls are located in the tower Long German.

And in the northern courtyard of the castle, anyone can try their hand in the craft workshop.

Narva Town Hall, built in the Baroque style, no less outstanding landmark of the city. Only the Town Hall has been preserved to this day. And residential buildings, pharmacy, the stock building was destroyed during the Second World War. For tourists Town Hall closed.

In the former building of the weapon warehouse there is an art gallery founded in 1991. On a permanent exposition, you can get acquainted with the works of the merchant Lauregov. In addition, temporary exhibitions of artists are organized here. On the last Sunday of May, a traditional holiday of art is held in the gallery.

The museum works from Monday by Wednesday from 10:00 am 18:00.

Barona Background The Velio-majestic building built in the early 18th century in a classic style is an architectural monument.

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Previously, there was a gymnasium for boys. And now - Vanalinna State School.

The banner of the Crenholm Manufactory was founded in the 18th century, the largest in the Russian Empire. Since it is located in the area of ​​Narva waterfalls, the energy for the manufacture of products was used water. You can visit the manufactory only by prior arrangement.

The Resurrection Cathedral was built in the 1890s for Orthodox Workers of the Crenholm Manufactory. The main value in the cathedral is a golden three-tier iconostasis and the wooden crucifixion of Christ the XVII century. Interesting is the fact that during World War II, when almost the whole city was destroyed, the Resurrection Cathedral remained intact.

According to the project of the Peterhorsk architect Otto Pius von Hippius for Workers-Lutheran Kregolm Manufactory In 1884, Alexander Church was erected. The church suffered a lot during the first and second world warrior, a bell tower was destroyed with an organ. Not so long ago it was restored.

In the church you can visit the bell tower with the observation platform, and the museum.

An unusual architectural monument is a city hospital, which is part of the Krengolm ensemble.

The oldest park of Narva is a dark garden located on Bastion Victoria.

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One of the favorite places of both tourists and locals. In the garden you can find trees older than 100 years. There are two monument on site. The cast-iron cross is dedicated to the Russian soldiers who died during the Northern War.

The second monument is a symbol of the tomb of those killed during the liberation war of 1918.

Be sure to look at the Swedish lion. This monument was opened in 2000 in memory of the battle near Narva in 1700.

In addition to the above, I really advise you to visit the Monument to Memento Mori, built in memory of victims of political repression. And if you're lucky, you can get to festivals, performances, open-air concerts, passing to the courtyard of the castle. The most popular: in May - the International Music Festival. Mravinsky, in July - the days of the city of Narva, and in August - the historical festival.

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