What should you expect from recreation to Capri?


Italy, from the point of view of tourists, a very interesting and curious country. Her story goes to his roots deep into centuries, during the time of immemorial. Roman Empire, Eternal City, Rested by Goose, Verona, Romeo and Juliet. Yes, and each historical region of Italy, has its own legends and myths, their unique historical and natural attractions. A special precious pearl in the Crown of Tourist Italy is the island of Capri. It is part of the province of Naples, a campaign region.

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Capri Island is a special niche in the tourist business of Italy. The special purity of the coastal waters of the island, and the visibility of the bottom from the surface reaches 10-12 meters, attracts diving lovers and marine walks. A special climate, and there is almost no rainy, which has a beneficial effect on people, with the problems of bronchi and lungs, attract a specific contingent of vacationers. Therefore, Capri elected the Arab Sheikh, Hollywood actors, millionaires and billionaires. In general, this is one of the favorite places of resting Bohemia Planet. There are almost no sandy beaches on the island, mainly stone platforms or pebble beaches, but they come here not to swim in the sea, but to show themselves, people see, enjoy the feeling of involvement in the world of Glamor. Just walking in a light, clean streets you can find the stars of show business.

At the beginning of the last century, the island was loved for rest and treating the elite of the October Revolution. For a long time, the "Petrel" of the revolution, the pillar of proletarian literature, Alexey Maksimovich Gorky rested here. I did not forget to visit the island and the leader of the world proletariat, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin.

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In memory of this, grateful inhabitants of Capri, the money of the Young Soviet Republic was allowed to create a house-museum of Ilyich, and build an unusual monument in his honor.

Modern Capri is a low-seated territory. Probably there is no inhabitant of the island, one way or another, not participating in the tourism industry. And when the recreation season comes, the population of Capri increases many times. It is not worth talking about the special attractions of the island, although there is something to look: the Phoenician staircase, at the foot of which the Church of San Constano was built; Villa San Mixel with pride and mysterious pink sphinx; Mount Solaro; Square Umberto I or, as it is also called, Piazzetta; Monastery San Jacomo; Gardens of August; Villa Jupiter and of course, the rocks of the Faralloni and the Blue Grotto - the symbols of the island of Capri.

Pochette Square is a place for the focus of the most expensive boutiques of all the most famous fashion designers of Italy. It is very interesting and informative to take a walk in the wife of the Russian oligarch.

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Meet Julia Roberts for a handle with Frank Senator, treat them with Russian seeds, and so, casual to ask, on which market, Julia buys shoes ... And, seriously, there really can be seen world celebrities. This is the most expensive "shopping" place on the island.

Monte Solaro is the highest point of Capri. Its height is about 600 meters above the level of the Naples Bay. For lovers, photos of creativity - the place is unmatched.

For lovers of beautiful flowers and plants, there is a botanical corner with a romantic name - Augusta gardens. Here are the most plants of the island. The whole composition is decorated in a capry style, with slides and streams resembling the nature of the island.

So, the island of Capri, and so historically developed, very similar in its pathoity with the Moscow ruble. There, tourists do not go, opening their mouths from miracles, but they defiled in the orders from Kutuur, they are not interested in the maritime walk herself, and the cost of the yacht on which they will sunbathe, not a bouquet of flavors of wonderful Italian wine, but the cost of the bottle and traffic jams. And, by no means, not at a smaller side ...

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