Wonderful resort.


Holidays in hotels built in Pamukkale, I think, will be useful in all respects. The abundance of various medicinal waters, both in the hotel itself and in the surrounding area, allows you to connect a stay here not only with wonderful pastime, but also with the prevention of many diseases.

Arriving at the hotel Richmond Pamukkale Thermal, and, having read the location of the places where the services offered in it: a spa with sauna, pools (two of which with thermal mineral water), bars, etc., Naturally, I wanted me Inspect the main attractions of this resort.

They should be put in their row, such as the ruins of the heieropolis, an ancient necropolis and the "antique pool", as well as, located in the building of the former Roman baths and around it, the local archaeological museum.

If an actively visited by the water, which is the name of the ancient, most likely a establishment for entertaining and acquiring goods (for the most part of souvenir products), then the rest are aesthetic and cognitive. I quickly get enough sleep here, I headed further.

The grandiose facilities of the Amphitheater and the temple of Apollo. Interesting and fascinating a walk along the street of an old settlement, which remained to this day. Huge territory and quantity of the city of the dead.

But travertines produce a special and indelible impression. The bulk of tourists does not pass along it a hundred meters. But, moving on, sometimes plunging into the whiten liquid above the knee, you can achieve almost snow-white sections of this miracle of nature.

Fine collection in the halls of the Museum of a large number of sculptures, sarcophagus and bas-reliefs made of marble. Exhibited, collected during the excavations in the Denizli district, the foundations of the peoples who settled this region, replacing or complementing each other for a long time. These are the collection of clay products, various coins and weapons.

As the proverb says: "Giving dinner to the enemy," the evening I devoted swimming in the bathhouse located in the basement of the hotel. Floating in close to the body temperature, mineral solution you get not only treatment, but also pleasure. After such procedures, there is a complete relaxation of the whole organism, which provides instant falling asleep and calm sleep.

I think it is necessary to warn that in the bath with the same liquid, but arranged next to the body outdoors, the bottom is slippery and covered with algae. Therefore, once trying, the desire to re-be gone here.

Wonderful was a walk in five kilometers in the town called Karahait.

You could get here, but I love hiking. Here in the middle of the village there are some bitter salted and very hot sources. In this regard, the choice of dive site is very important. It is said that the benefits of moisture saturated with salts and oxides of iron and magnesium, miraculous.

Yes, there is no sea, but swim and sunbathe, you can not leaving the limits of the place where you stopped and settled. And the rest, rest here, by definition it can not be bad.

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