What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port?


We rested in the Iron Port in the middle of July, in the midst of the holiday season. I do not want to say that I liked the rest, but also there is no negative as such. If you try to express our attitude to this resort village - everything is quite mediocre. The average budget resort.

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_1

Stayed in the Saigon Pension. Comfortable establishment. The rooms are spacious, clean, with fitting air conditioning. The room has a minimum service - fridge and TV. And the price is not very "biting", 100 UAH. per person.

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_2

After all, if you understand the main thing in vacation, this is a comfortable and cozy place of residence. When to live comfortably, then on the rest, small troubles generally close your eyes or look at them with optimism.

The climate of the resort is magnificent. Hot sun, beautiful sea. True, in the first couple of days there were jellyfish in the sea (quite a lot), the child refused to swim.

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_3

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_4

The last 3 days the sea is a bit "spoiled." In this area, various cold flows are dominated. The sea becomes cold, degrees 15, although in the sun +35. You can get together even more or less, but the child is not strictly necessary, it can get sick. So, planning the train to this resort, it is necessary to take into account this natural phenomenon. The end of July, the beginning of August, the sea of ​​flowering algae occurs in the sea. As such, we did not feel such an unpleasant smell, but algae themselves thrilling to the shore. It is especially visible on free beaches, where cleaning is very and very superficial.

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_5

Public beaches are horror. Mushes, (although empty garbage tanks stand every 20-30 meters). Vacationers themselves are shy, so we only have to blame themselves.

People on the beach - do not push around. To relax there with the child can not be and speech - flood.

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_6

Instead of sea air - cigarette smoke and smell from shrimp, fried corn and fish with beer. Not a beach, but eatery, with all its flavors.

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_7

Crowds wandering sellers of all sorts of "goodies" of incomprehensible freshness in an hour already bored. After the first day of such "rest", the public beach we have stopped attended. Paid beaches abound (8 UAH.). There and more cleaned and no annoying sellers. Beach coating - snow-white sand with small shells. Go barefoot is a pleasure.

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_8

Babies can safely play in the sand, not afraid to dig someone's cigarettes or cellophane packs with fish cleaning. And if you get up early, you can admire the game of dolphins in the sea. They swim almost to the shore itself, people are not afraid at all. If you do not take into account enough cool sea, you can swim with dolphins. You're not able to ride or ride on dolphins, of course (not in the dolphinariums after all), but the very feeling that these beautiful mammals float somewhere next to you, give a stunning charge of positive emotions.

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_9

Eli really wanted romance, you can go to distant beaches, which is near the reserve. Nature is practically not touched by civilization, the sea is purest. But far away. With small kids will be hard to get.

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_10

20 kilometers from the village there are thermal springs, their three. In the sources, the temperature is +45 - +65 degrees. Swim in them just bliss, but otherwise - everything is as always. Not thought out with complete negligence. Money for swimming takes not small (50 UAH), and to wash off the healing dirt - a hose with cold water. There is no cabin, no toilet, no civilization. Just a hose of the length of the meter three, you want myself - you want no. At the same time, everyone in sight.

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_11


We fed both in the boarding house, and not far from the embankment in the wrong restaurant "Istanbul". Prices are nice democratic. Food, even the child is quite responding.

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_12

If you stretch for money, it turns out that we spent for lunch (for two adults and one child) about 70 hryvnia (this is the first, second, salad, patty with compote).

Landmarks "Iron Port" no, but there is enough nightlife. Even with an excess.

A huge number of cafes, restaurants, night discos. I recommend to visit the Bambinos nightclub, a good program, clockwork music. For children, a standard set of entertainment (slide, trampoline, tires, swing).

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_13

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_14

Just enough.

For us, the conclusion is unambiguous - if you have nowhere to go with children, then (for a variety) in the Iron port can be taken. But the children are needed by the sea, not only the entertainment of the night resort.

What should you expect from recreation in the Iron Port? 4279_15

And the sea just for children at this resort is not much suited.

And so, the usual budget resort.

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